I'm wondering how many:

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I'm wondering how many:

Postby H » Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:56 am

still have a CFS1 program available,
still have it installed,
still use it;

how many:
have edited CFS1 files,
how many still edit CFS1 files...

besides myself, who isn't proficient in all cases?

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Bass » Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:52 am

Hi H.

I do have cfs1 installed and occasionally i fly some of the missions i enjoy to see again.
Tho, its years ago i last edited anything, but with the tons of addons i've installed, i'll let it stay on my slave.
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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby H » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:21 am

I queried because I've been working with my WWI version of CFS1 (long ago, some of the screens were redone; more are replaced and some edits edited). There's an eight-year-old I thought to introduce to the world of simulated vintage mono-,bi-, triplanes. Along with some newly-textured acft, I've completed 17 German campaign missions and have almost completed what will be @ 20 Allied (British) campaign missions. I will probably include my ancient April Skies missions (same engagement, different squadrons) in the Single Missions; these are for April 20, 1918, which was the after my dad was born -- but you should know it for another reason.
My greater problem is that a number of the acft aren't sitting on the runway -- they're bouncing all over. This, I believe, means the need for proper editing of the fuselage entry in the .air file.

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Bass » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:07 am

Or maybe the.mdl file!

I had the WW1 RFC campaign installed in CFS, (still got it in my backups), but after changing pc, and then got Rise Of Flight installed, i jumped it.

I'm sure you got that campaign. If you dont, let me know.
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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby H » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:24 am

I made a few of my own a long while ago. Since I the name of the acft file folder and other incorporated files to the .air file (or vica versa), as well as a change names and .mdl info for an added texture version, the name may wind up different than the original (including the .mdl name).
The thought was to upload so anyone here could use these files but, obviously, since acft file names are listed in the mission unit directory, someone would need to substitute their own hangar acft or have those I've listed; if I provide the ones I've collected, it would be nice if they worked properly.
Also, I obviously have no problem editing an .mdl to change the names of the target textures; I have no experience at changing much else in the .mdl (like, if the modeler corrupted the landing gear info or such).

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Hagar » Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:14 am

I don't think the problem is with the MDL. The sim has no way of knowing what the visual model looks like.

Unfortunately AIR file editing is a lost art as most FD adjustments in the later MS sims are done in Aircraft.cfg which is a lot easier to understand.

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Bass » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:39 am

I suppose you've had a look at AD2000 for fs2000 and cfs1!
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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Hagar » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:44 am

Bass wrote:I suppose you've had a look at AD2000 for fs2000 and cfs1!

AD2000 is 3D modelling software. Not sure how that would help with the flight dynamics.

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby H » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:36 am

Hagar wrote:I don't think the problem is with the MDL.
Almost always true, excepting that I've found one where the landing gear do not "visually" touch ground no matter what angle they are set to (i.e., they bounce out of the ground when they visually are already well above it); either the polygon info or the texture application seems to be wrong.

Hagar wrote:Unfortunately AIR file editing is a lost art as most FD adjustments in the later MS sims are done in Aircraft.cfg which is a lot easier to understand.
I've successfully readjusted a number of acft from FS98 and others for use in CFS; most of the time, in days past, I had no difference in their actions on the ground for player or ai application (although the majority of them were WW2 acft, howbeit, that should make no difference). Nevertheless, should one of our old-time modelers or file adjusters wish to address the problem, it would be appreciated.

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Hagar » Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:15 am

H. Check your PMs.

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby H » Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:27 am

Well, I've gotten most of the missions done except for the American campaign. This might remain empty until a later date. Long ago, I lost a squadron of acft in a hard drive crash, very many for missions I'd (fictitiously) textured for the Escadrille Lafayette.
For the missions I do have, I'm still missing a Caudron bomber (currently substituted by another -- but the Caudron had that distinctive four fin tail); I've made up a Christmas-like colored Dr-1 that I'm using for Jasta 4 -- but I've also just retextured one for Ernst Udet (although I didn't find a view of the underside and, thus far, haven't continued the ribbon around the fuselage belly (getting it aligned over the top was difficult enough). Of course, the pictures I have are of a model someone made so I'm hoping his source material was more accurate than my rendering.

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Modlerbob » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:29 pm

I still have it loaded and occasionally fly some of the original missions. Never tried to add any content. Get bored flying against AI opponents. I flew in Fighter Ace until it closed a few years ago.
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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby H » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:04 am

Hi Modlerbob, I have CFS2 but rarely use it; I borrowed scenery for a Pacific Theater version of CFS1. Many moons ago, for the short while I had my own internet connection, I engaged CFS online a few times as Blaze N Gunn or Willy Farewell (usually with the Hurricane); I only tried Fighter Ace in Single Player mode.
I'm on borrowed internet now, so online participation is in the past; since my ancient laptop takes forever to load and XP is no longer update supported, I'm basically limited to simple communication. The only method by which I'm fairly sure I could send my update CFS files is to put them on flashdrive or cd and mail them to the physical address (which I've done for a young nephew; I also have my CFS program loaded on flashdrive -- I plug it into the usb port and run it from the flashdrive).

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Re: I'm wondering how many:

Postby Modlerbob » Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:28 pm

I would still like to see Fighter Ace come back online.
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