HPG Airbus H-160

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HPG Airbus H-160

Postby CHUCK79 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:20 pm

I thought that I had this one before I upgraded my PC but I couldn't find
an e-mail and it wasn't on my account at HPG. Not sure what happened
So I bought it again.

This one is similar to their H-145 in regards to the systems and autopilot.
You can fly hands off easily or switch the AFCAS off and fly full hands on.
I suspect that they will release an Action Pack for it in the near future like
the H-145 has now.

It has a civil and luxury version. Civil carries 12 passengers plus 2 crew
and the lux model carries 4 passengers and 2 crew quite comfortably lol

This is the luxury model taking off from Milford Sound in NZ.
Milford Sound scenery by OrbX which is also very good! Lots of waterfalls
and extras!







Thanks for looking!
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Re: HPG Airbus H-160

Postby Flying Trucker » Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:26 pm

Nice set there Chuck

Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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