2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

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2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

Postby bombardier » Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:45 pm

hello to all :

I have downloaded 2 sms planes air india and bimen. I read the read me file and did what was asked of me. figure it will show up in the planes list in fsx and nothing. any one have a solution for this? I was going to email ricardo. but want to what the other memebrs solutions are before I email ricardo if there are any.

anyone else have this problem if so how did you get them to show up?
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Re: 2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

Postby bombardier » Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:48 pm

hello to all:

I did some detective work on the 2 sms planes air india and bimen. I checked both aircraft cfg's and its all scrambled like it was some foreign language. maybe thats the problem.

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Re: 2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

Postby pegger » Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:28 pm

First, you might want to consider what category you post your questions in. This Forum heading starts with "REAL WORLD". You are talking about downloaded aircraft...which might be a real life problem, but not a real world plane discussion.

Second, as is repeated time and time again, please link to the aircraft download that you are having problems with. Nobody can help you if all you give is vague hints about what download it is.
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Re: 2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

Postby Hagar » Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:22 am

I presume you mean ricardo_tv. It looks like he's more of a repainter than original author. From the instructions in his Readme file English is not his first language. This is the only Biman Bangladesh Airlines file by him I can find. http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=Boeing+777-300+Biman+Bangladesh&categoryId=

I did some detective work on the 2 sms planes air india and bimen. I checked both aircraft cfg's and its all scrambled like it was some foreign language. maybe thats the problem.

I downloaded the file to check it out & see what you mean. The Aircraft.cfg file is illegible & therefore useless. (Looks like binary code.) No aircraft can display in FS without a proper Aircraft.cfg.

I haven't checked out his other files.

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Re: 2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

Postby bombardier » Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:01 pm

hello hagar:

what if I made an aircraft cfg useing another air crafts cfg s a guide. would that fix it?

and allways thanks for your replies. you always welcome to post your thoughts and suggestings on my posts.

if this was the wrong place oops my mistake. it was talking about a specific airplane type. I did best I can locate the proper place to put this in. I'm only human.

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Re: 2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

Postby Hagar » Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:32 pm

Hi bombardier. Pete has removed the file for now. I note the aircraft is by SMS. If you have a 777-300 by the same developer that works you could try adding the Biman texture to it in the usual way.

There are a lot of aircraft by ricardo_tv posted here at Simviation. I can't check out the Air India file you're having problems with unless I know the type of aircraft. A file name would be a great help.

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Re: 2 ricardo's sms planes not showing up any solutions?

Postby bombardier » Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:31 pm

hello hagar:

I got the sms air india flying now. I do not know what I did so I cannot duplicate the steps on the sms bangladesh plane. I have tried to rewrite the aircrft.cfg no luck so far. I will keep trying on the aircraft.cfg.

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