by expat » Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:40 pm
mrplanecrazzy wrote:Wow.........looks like a hybrid U2/F-35/Tornado all rolled into a nice package.

I can see Alphajet, SU25, Hornet (obviously), F104. However, a tidy package, I hope it does well.
Also interesting, the Scorpion jet went from drawing board to first flight in 23 months.............Not seen that sort of development speed since the F4 Phantom from paper to flight in just under three years. Most modern aircraft spend at least the first 5 years on paper......
"A bit of a pickle" - British translation: A catastrophically bad situation with potentially fatal consequences.

People Eating Tasty Animals.
B1 (Cat C) licenced engineer, Boeing 737NG 600/700/800/900 Airbus A318/19/20/21 and Dash8 Q-400
1. Captain, if the problem is not entered into the technical logbook.........then the aircraft does not have a problem.
2. And, if you have time to write the fault on a napkin and attach to it to the have time to write it in the tech log....see point 1.