If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Discussion on Specific Aircraft Types. Close up photos particularly welcome. Please keep ON TOPIC :)

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Bass » Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:12 am

Spitfire, spitfire and p-51 :whistle:
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby OldAirmail » Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:08 pm

Good post, EJW. You've pulled a lot of people, many of whom I've never seen before, out of the woodwork.

There are many aircraft that I fly for one reason or another. But if cost, fuel, and maintenance weren't a consideration, I'd go for the Grumman Goose.

Sorry folks, but I'd turn it into a "camper", and head for far away places to fish & camp.

I love the mountains, lakes, and gently rocking boats. What more could I ask for in a plane.

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby jrbirdman » Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:43 pm

Airwolf..... Nuff said. Lol :)
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby logjam » Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:11 am

Cessna 177 Cardinal. Economical 4 place easy to fly. Fixed U/c is ok but rg is better. <<u
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Bass » Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:57 am

OldAirmail wrote:Good post, EJW. You've pulled a lot of people, many of whom I've never seen before, out of the woodwork.

What more could I ask for in a plane.


Maybe flying it :whistle: :D
"Just try to be YOU"!............ Kurt 

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Bluenarrow » Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:39 am

Definitely, the MD11 "the old lady"
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby PhantomTweak » Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:33 pm

Bob Hoover's Yellow P-51, or a decent MD500E

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Sprocket » Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:48 pm

logjam wrote:Cessna 177 Cardinal. Economical 4 place easy to fly. Fixed U/c is ok but rg is better. <<u

There is one of these in the downloads section. It is a nifty plane and it has become my default plane for cruising around the UK...

It differs from the C170 in that it has retractable U/C, and also a constant speed prop.

This is the download, but I changed the tail number to UK -- My name is Jan, so on the sim I go by "J4N" :whistle:


[b]Here I done a color change:


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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Hagar » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:15 pm

Sprocket wrote:This is the download, but I changed the tail number to UK -- My name is Jan, so on the sim I go by "J4N" :whistle:

British civil registrations use G- followed by four letters, no numerals. Something like G-AJAN would be more realistic.

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby ViperPilot » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:29 pm

Personally, I would pick two...

1) deHavilland DHC-2 Beaver, stock Military setup w/ Skylights; just like off Downsview's assembly line.


2) Rutan Boomerang - It was Burt's personal airplane, it's a Rutan/ Scaled Composites (nuff said), it's the safest twin out there, and it just looks... wrong.


jrbirdman wrote:Airwolf..... Nuff said. Lol :)

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Fozzer » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:56 pm

Sprocket wrote:
logjam wrote:Cessna 177 Cardinal. Economical 4 place easy to fly. Fixed U/c is ok but rg is better. <<u

There is one of these in the downloads section. It is a nifty plane and it has become my default plane for cruising around the UK...

It differs from the C170 in that it has retractable U/C, and also a constant speed prop.

This is the download, but I changed the tail number to UK -- My name is Jan, so on the sim I go by "J4N" :whistle:

https://www.simviation.com/phpupload/upl ... 420286.png

[b]Here I done a color change:

https://www.simviation.com/phpupload/upl ... 437893.png


My favourite little baby for touring around California, etc, with my own UK registration letters reflecting my name!.....>>>

Cessna 150 Aerobat!

G-BPLF....G-B Paul Louis Fosbery

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby planephysician » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:31 pm

That's a very tough decision.......as I love all airplanes. As far as Warbirds go, there are just to many to pick from. First I thought of my favorite, the venerable Mustang. But wait! What about a Corsair, P-40, P-38, Spitfire and the like. In the back of my head I remembered always had a fondness for the TBM Avenger. Big, rugged and could haul a load (and a few people). But then I was thinking, how would I feed it? Maintain it? ( I am a A & P by trade so the actual wrenching on it wouldn't be an issue, just parts). The practicality of owning one just wasn't there. Same with owning a jet (Corporate, military or commercial). The cons out-weighed the pros by a considerable margin. The logistics were staggering.

So after much thought I settled on a 1979 Cessna TU206G on a set of Wiplne amphibious floats. Why a 79' of all the years you might ask? It's kind of a love-at-first-sight thing. I saw an article in one of the flying magazines a few years ago (34+ years ago) about it. It could haul a lot of weight at high altitudes, on water or land and has room for six. I think I still have the magazine floating around in my "never, never land of aviation goodies. I don't care for the new line of 206's. I'm old fashioned - I like "steam gauges". Not into the flat panel displays offered today. As for my choice of a float plane, I have always loved float flying since I as a kid. Spent some time in Alaska and hoped to live there someday. Of course, I got married and plans changed i.e, kids, responsibilities and the like but mainly cause' the wife doesn't want to live there. The aircraft combines the best of both worlds for me. The versatility of being able to fly from land or water with an appreciable payload leaves me with many new destinations to explore and have some money left to enjoy them when I get there.
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby OldAirmail » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:03 pm

Bass wrote:
OldAirmail wrote:Good post, EJW. You've pulled a lot of people, many of whom I've never seen before, out of the woodwork.

What more could I ask for in a plane.


Maybe flying it :whistle: :D

That's the whole point!

When I catch ALL the fish ( :lol: :lol: :lol: ), I can just fly to another lake or cove.

Here in the US, old people tend to go someplace warm and vegetate.

Some sell their houses, and buy a motor home to travel the country.

I'd prefer to travel in REAL style. :D
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby papituwall » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:00 am

Spitfires, Spitfires, Spitfires...
This is a dream, so i'd like a Spitfire Mk.9
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Sprocket » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:38 am

Hagar wrote:British civil registrations use G- followed by four letters, no numerals. Something like G-AJAN would be more realistic.

Good point thanks :D ...I'll duly change it to the proper format...I think maybe G-JANH, of which H is the first letter of my surname..

Fozzer wrote:My own favourite private little aeroplane, which takes me to all sorts of exciting places!Paul.....G-BPLF...in on-line Multiplayer!

Not quite ready for multiplayer yet..I'm really a poor pilot so I don't know if I'll ever be :mrgreen:
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