If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

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If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby EJW » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:14 pm

It doesn't matter if you dream of owning your very own Pitts Special, SR-71 Blackbird or even an Airbus A380, list it below:
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby EJW » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:16 pm

I'll start! If I could own any plane it would be a...North American F-86 Sabre, preferably in bare aluminium. :D
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby specter177 » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:47 pm

I would love to have a Howard 500. My grandfather used to have one (he sold it before I was born), and I've loved it since I flew the Milton Shupe one for FS2004.

Edit: I'll go ahead and put my favorite from each category.
GA Plane: Already have a 185 on floats, Piper Cub, and Ryan SCW, so I'll go with a Cessna 195.
Business Jet: Citation X
Airliner: 727-200
Turboprop: Pilatus PC-12 or PC-21
Fighter - Piston: Also already have a P-51, so I'll go with a Hawker Sea Fury.
Fighter - Jet: Want an F-22, but I'll stick with aircraft possible to get, so... either a Harrier or F-104.
Bush Plane: Fiesler Storch
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby EJW » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:55 pm

I would love to have a Howard 500. My grandfather used to have one (he sold it before I was born), and I've loved it since I flew the Milton Shupe one for FS2004.

Those things are worth mega $$$$! Very rare too!
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Fozzer » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:57 pm

My pretty little Cessna 150 Aerobat would suit all my touring needs, with the minimum of expense in hangarage, maintenance, and running costs... [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]...!

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Hagar » Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:10 pm

I'd like a Spitfire but failing that a Tiger Moth would do nicely. I'd even settle for a little RV-8. ;)
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby machineman9 » Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:12 pm

Tutor for light prop
Tucano for turbo prop
Baron 58 for multi-engine
Edge 540 for specifically aerobatic
Eurofighter for off-the-scale coolness and jet engine.
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Layne. » Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:22 pm

If i could have anything includign military i would get a F/A-18C or a F-16C

If non-military i would just get a Cessna 182 or Boeing 707
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Flying Trucker » Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:09 pm

Good evening... :)

Best dang Bush and Light Utility Aeroplane in the world.

A DeHavilland of Canada DHC-3 single radial engine Otter on amphibious floats and done up inside as a flying camper.

It would have to be painted fire engine red and be sitting on jet black amphibious floats.

HMMM....wonder if I could sell the old girl, all the children and grandchildren?   :o   ::)

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby BrandonF » Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:12 pm

I'd like an MD 530F. Those things are beautiful! [smiley=happy.gif]
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby packercolinl » Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:43 am

I really enjoyed the righthand seat of a Cessna 210 a number of times years ago.

There is a company in the US that is overhauling airframes and avionics on older 210's and I'd look there first but I do occassionally look around the used market.

I could get a reasonable one for US$230,000---if I HAD US$230,000 of course. :(

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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby Isak922 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:49 am

GA: An Extra 300 would be fun.  ;)
Business: Tough choice... Probably a Citation X. Looks decent, goes fast, fair amount of room
Airliner: Tu-144! Amazing plane!

WWI: Fokker Dr.I! Who wouldn't want to think of themselves as the Red Baron? ;D
WWII: Really tough choice here. It'd come down to the FW-190, P-38, P-47 F4U, or Me-262. More leaning towards the FW-190, P-38 or F4U.

Cold War: F-86. No questions!
Vietnam: F-104, F-8, or MiG-21!
Post-Nam: SR-71, F-16, A-10, F-15, Su-27, Su-35, Su-37, Su-47, MiG-29, MiG-35, MiG-31, Etc :P

Oh, and a C-17 would be pretty nifty too... :-X
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby specter177 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:23 am

My dad flew one of those WWI planes in France a long time ago, and he said they were absolutely awful. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to fly it in battle.
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby ozzy72 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:56 am

Merlin engined Spitfire. A II, V, VIII or IX 8-)
There are two types of aeroplane, Spitfires and everything else that wishes it was a Spitfire!
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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

Postby EJW » Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:05 am

I'm very impressed with your taste in aircraft!
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