Well, its that time in my schooling where I need to get a senior design idea. Originally I was going to do some work on my design (the XS1) but now it looks like it will be structural analysis of the Great Lakes. Its pretty important for my employer for a variety of reasons suffice to say, but I have encountered some missing and frankly odd bits in the old analysis from '73 done by Herb Rawdon (designer of the Travel Air Mystery Ship).
He uses this mysterious "Great Lakes Engineering Report #4" which seems to have been lost with time. Then he refers to a Vdes speed which is a V-speed I have never heard of. To top it off, he keeps referring to a "(0%) M.S." M.S. being Margin of Safety. What a 0% MS is supposed to mean is beyond me other than no margin of safety which just does not make a lick of sense...in short, working on old plane designs stirs up a whole new set of issues!
Any ideas what those things mean?