I saw Cessna's there covering just about every decade. I saw a few that looked used yes, but almost all the Piper's looked beat to hell. Yes a FEW looked good (obviously brand new ones looked decent too).
My uncle had a 182 from the the mid 70s, so she was right in that 'work horse' range but still, he cared for it. He did a fare amount of skin work on it, livened up the interior, and kept the engine nice and clean. He had a Cassutt while he had the 182 so for him, the 182 WAS the family flying 4-door sedan. He took it down to Florida a few times, visited my cousins at college, and did several family trips with it. Still it looked fairly good....a lot better than those Cherokees!

To the Piper lineage's credit, you must have designed a good aircraft if they can handle years and years of heavy use and still work just fine. They seem to just never die!

Come to think of it...no other group of airplanes looked as used as the Piper low wings