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Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:24 pm
by multiprops
Superconstellation 1049H  8-)

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:30 pm
by Dave71K
Has to be a Grumman Goose :P
And to be specific THIS one!

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:47 pm
by Jetranger
I'd probably want a Pristine Lockheed Constellation 4 Engine Radial Propliner and a Huge Hanger with Air-Conditioning and Heat too,, so I can Park that Sucker in there and while I'm at it , I'd also like a huge supply of MONEY ( CASH) to Insure it and Afford the Fuel, because I'd be flying it all the time, gotta love the sounds of those Big Ol' Radial Engines ! My 1st Trip would be from like Miami to Hawaii and back to who knows where ?? the JetrangerImage

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:09 pm
by skoker
I'm going to change mine to the Sukhoi Superjet 100 :D

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:53 pm
by littlebenny
4 seats: lancair IV-P , does 220 kn cruise speed

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:35 pm
by ilikerio
Boeing B-17. Or B-29. Or also B-24. Seeing a B-17 fly less than 1000 feet over your house is cool, but being in it would be even cooler!  :D

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:31 pm
by charliek
FW190A-6 in the original condition so I could fly it.

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:03 pm
by spudkiss
mine would be the vintage piston banger dhc single otter on floats all time fav since childhood

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:42 pm
by chornedsnorkack
I'm going to change mine to the Sukhoi Superjet 100 :D

This? ... sinessjet/

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:05 am
by expat
I'm going to change mine to the Sukhoi Superjet 100 :D

This? ... sinessjet/

You may want to reconsider........The Superjet has just been grounded with flight control, gear and brake problems. It has been reported that this may kill off production......


Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:20 am
by Shane Stachwick
Heinkel 178. German jet aircraft prototype. First flew 8/27/39, 4 days before Nazi invasion of Poland. First jet aircraft to fly. Original destroyed by Allied air raid over Berlin in 1945. If Hitler had gotten a working jet fighter in the air any earlier than he did, so much the WORSE for humanity.

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:23 pm
by SG-19
For me it's a no brainer, C-130 Hercules, just load up the R,V and the sports car for the ultimate Fly Drive Holiday anywhere you want. <<t

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:00 pm
by pegger
FlyingTrucker wrote:Good evening... :)

Best dang Bush and Light Utility Aeroplane in the world.

A DeHavilland of Canada DHC-3 single radial engine Otter on amphibious floats and done up inside as a flying camper.

It would have to be painted fire engine red and be sitting on jet black amphibious floats.

HMMM....wonder if I could sell the old girl, all the children and grandchildren?   :o   ::)

Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug

Yup...there it is. The otter is where i'd spend my money! With amphib could you go wrong?

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:02 pm
by Fozzer
If I could own afford (and operate) any aircraft what would it be?

With my extremely limited resources, it would have to be a Bensen Gyrocopter...>>>

Anything else would just be wishful thinking!... :shock: ...!

Paul....Wishfully Gyrating.... :mrgreen: ...!

Re: If you could own any aircraft what would it be?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:55 pm
My first choice would be a Curtiss P-40, sharks teeth and all. My second choice would be a Vought F4U Corsair.
I would have to say a Douglas C-47 would be in there somewhere. Jeezz, that's a harder question then I first thought!

OK!.. lets put it this way, if I hit the millions lottery and had my choice, those would be the three aircraft I would
be tossing around as first choices.

But if I could only get one plane period.... :think: .... I would choose the Dehavilland DHC-2 Beaver. One reason is that
your not limited to just runway landing. another reason is, I just like that plane.

Good question EJW!