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Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:39 pm
by Felix/FFDS
WW2 started and ended, and in both milestones, Churchill was NOT PM....

When Germany and Russia invaded Poland on 1-SEP-39, Chamberlain was PM, and before the Surrender of Japan, the Conservatives were booted out of office.

Re: Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:45 pm
by Hagar
This is an old one.

Winston Churchill & Lady Astor were old enemies. She once stood up in Parliament & said. "Sir, you are drunk." To this he retorted "Madam, in the morning I shall be quite sober but you will still be ugly."

I always liked that story. ;D

Re: Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:47 pm
by Woodlouse2002
When fighting in the Bore war Churchill was captured. He escaped when he stole the keys for his cell from his captors when they got drunk at a christmas party.

He was also the cause for the landings at Gallipoli. This action nearly cost him his career as first lord of the admiralty.

He wrote a book called "Savrola"

Re: Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:51 pm
by Smoke2much
He took part in the last charge by British cavalry as a Subaltern of the 21st Lancers at the battle of Omdurman in 1899.

Re: Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:55 pm
by Hagar
Don't mention Gallipoli or you will get Brensec started. :o
Churchill is still hated in Australia for that catastrophe.

He was not a bad artist & also built brick walls in his garden to relieve the stress of office. How he found time to conduct a war at the same time I can't imagine. He also did much of his work while in bed. His young female secretary would be called to his bedroom at all hours to take dictation.

Re: Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:03 pm
by Woodlouse2002
Instead of having an ashtray next to his bed for his cigar butts he had a large metal bucket.

He also claimed that he had taken more out of alcohol than alcohol had taken out of him.

Re: Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 1:52 pm
by WebbPA
I've never heard of Savrola but he wrote a multi-volume treatise called "History of the English Speaking Peoples".

Re: Trivia on Churchill

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 6:06 am
by Professor Brensec
Don't mention Gallipoli or you will get Brensec started. :o
Churchill is still hated in Australia for that catastrophe.

To late mate. I've seen it!!   ;D ;)

Actually, I wouldn't say he's 'hated'. He is recognised as the great Wartime leader that he was.  ;)

In fact. I don't think the fact that Gallipoli was his 'very own plan' is as widely known by Australians as it could be, especially the younger ones.

He is actually more 'derided' for his 'selfish' attitude towards Australia after Japan entered the war and they were knocking on our back door. (That's why we are still very much closer, politically to the Yanks, even if they were "Over Paid, Over Sexed and Over Here"..... ;D :D ;)

He was very reluctant to release the 2 dividions (two thirds of our Imperial Force) from Africa.
Pretty lousy after you consider the way that Australia has always been "in, boots'n'all" whenever England needed her. Especially BoB, Africa, WWI (Western Front, Dardenelles and Egypt/Palestine), Christ, even the Boer War.

I think he's considered more of a 'bully' and a 'windbag' than anything else!!  ;D ;)
But again, a great Wartime leader!

It's not well known that the 'The Kakoda Track' (as it's called) was fought mainly by 2 brigades of 'Australian Militia', who were not even regular Army.
But they kept the Japs out of Moresby and eventually defeated them in New Guinea altogether.  ;D ;)