CFI(maybe one for brad)

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CFI(maybe one for brad)

Postby Craig. » Wed Jun 04, 2003 3:11 pm

okie dokie here goes, anyone can answer just think this might be brads area of expertese
i have decided to take a huge leap and attempt to get the CFI rating, i have read a few places in the states will train you up and then where possible employ you till your Visa expires. just how difficult is it to get that far. it's gonna cost me about
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Re: CFI(maybe one for brad)

Postby C » Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:35 pm


You're doing your training in the US - which license are you going for - JAA or FAA?
Converting an FAA license would probably not be too much of a problem, although I'm not too sure about a CFI rating, as I think over here in the UK we have a slighly different system with AFI's and QFI's...

Your best bet is to speak to a flying school or two near you (well, if you're gonna get the rating you'll need a job afterwards...), the CAA direct, or ask in the Instructional forums in, someone there WILL know the answer.

Gawd its confusing, hope this helps anyway...

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Re: CFI(maybe one for brad)

Postby Craig. » Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:51 pm

thanks for the response. i have asked up at the FBO in bristol where i have taken a few lessons already, the best they told me was it would require me to take a few exams and a few lessons to convert them, i have a feeling they wernt taking it to seriously because of my age and because my lessons were a while in between. my best hope is that when i move to the states, if i pass and get the job, that after the visa runs out i can find a way to extend it. because i havent gotten the money yet i havent looked into the visa side of it fully only enough to know what it requires to sort out, theres little point in going through the application and fee's to only find the money for whatever reason becomes unavaliable.
and i know what you mean by confusing:)
thanks again
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Re: CFI(maybe one for brad)

Postby Hagar » Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:42 pm

Craig. I take it by CFI you're using the US meaning of the term -  Certified Flight Instructor. It generally means Chief Flying Instructor in the UK which is a completely different prospect & takes years of experience.

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Re: CFI(maybe one for brad)

Postby Craig. » Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:52 pm

yeah the us version:)
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