Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

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Re: Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

Postby Sinkrate » Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:50 am

It’s just a matter of time – humans have been sending signals into outer space for about 100 years. In order for an alien to receive our first signals and send a reply that we can detect on Earth today, they would have to be no more than 50 light years away! 50 light years is nothing man! Let’s wait for another couple of hundred years to give them a sporting chance eh? As for travelling here, it is likely to take them so long that we would have destroyed the planet by the time they arrive! They will spend their time chasing radio signals from planets that have long since disappeared, only to find their own planet gone when they eventually return! UFO’s – phooey! Just aberrations of lenses and minds! :lol:
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Re: Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

Postby ftldave » Tue Oct 08, 2019 10:36 am

FlexibleFlier wrote:We should not be so earthcentric (just made up a word here) as to think we are the only life forms that matter.

"Occam's Razor is a line of reasoning that says the simplest answer is often correct." The simplest answer to the Fermi Paradox, "Where are they?", is that they are not there, and assumptions that they've got to be out there are pretty much, for now, wishful thinking for those so eager to meet Klaatu on the Washington Mall.


Even though I expect they would probably turn out to be more like this, as a fellow named H.G. Wells told us!

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Re: Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

Postby H » Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:49 pm

napamule wrote:Do aliens sin? Cheat, lie, steal, murder, rape, commit adultery, assault, incest, homosexual acts? Do they have (or need) a Bible? Do they 'pray'? Do they get cancer? Are they subject to schiophenia, paranoia, insanity, dementia? Do they eat 'dead' animals? Do they watch 'Science Fiction'? Do they have, or need, 'money'? Do they have computers? Do they listen to 'music'? Do they die? Do they ;'l-=\].,987='.\[] ? Or are we 'ALONE' in all of those respects?
Depends upon perspective and which ones...
and, no, we're not alone...
and it queries what's considered alternate universe...

FlexibleFlier wrote:ftldave, yes, the numbers are staggering and, like any statistics, can be read - or made to be read - any way.
The Dread Tomato Addiction, the fatal tomato: the statistics were given for deaths in various vehicular accidents, as well as overall deaths past and present, stating that most all of them had eaten tomatoes; it then stated what happens if a goldfish is immersed in tomato juice — "and for those who don't believe what applies to [other creatures] applies to humans, [completely immerse] your own head in tomato juice for five [or so] minutes and see what happens."
...the twists of statistics.

ftldave wrote:"Occam's Razor is a line of reasoning that says the simpler answer is often correct." The simplest answer to the Fermi Paradox, "Where are they?", is that they are not there, and assumptions that they've got to be out there are pretty much, for now, wishful thinking for those so eager to meet Klaatu on the Washington Mall.
Unfortunately, that is not the simplest answer — a simpler answer would be "they are not here" but even that is moot. Trying to answer if they are 'there' would be a complicated query, since 'there' would be infinity...

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Re: Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

Postby EVVFCX » Thu Oct 17, 2019 6:52 am

Hi all,

I watched an episode of ancient aliens last night, I never thought I was an alien, ancient maybe.
They were discussing the model of a bird found in the tombs in egypt, they moved on to show a glider and I just shouted out 'that's my glider!'
My wife gave me a funny look, they had showed one of the K23 gliders I used to fly, reg EVV hence the EVV here in my user name, FCX was the other.

It's a small small world :)


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Re: Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

Postby TommyJo » Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:54 am

FlexibleFlier wrote:Here's a really big picture thought:

Assuming that the Big Bang is correct, isn't it possible, even likely, that there were/are hundreds/thousands/billions of other tiny little bits of energy that have or also will explode creating hundreds/thousands/billions of other universes, each with billions of stars, etc., etc.?

In other words, we are not the only universe; we simply haven't created a means to see far enough to see any others. But, time and science march on and we eventually (not in this lifetime) will.

The point is, the likelihood of us being alone is so infinitesimally small as to be statistically insignificant. Which, IMHO, means there is lots and lots of life out there, both more and less developed than we are. I won't use the word "intelligent" about us because as a species we really aren't, what with endless war, the wanton eradication of wildlife, the persistent destruction of the planet in innumerable ways, etc., etc.

It has been posited that we have indeed been studied by visitor(s) from other worlds but that they were so horrified at what they learned about us that Earth has been placed "Off Limits". Perhaps after humans are gone the next species will do better.

I am very impressed with the point of view expressed in this post. Especially the fact that advanced races cannot consider us equal. I think this is close to the truth.
As for the theory of the multiverse, I heard that it is now seriously gaining momentum in scientific circles. It seems that some calculations have shown a very high probability of such a world order.

I would like, of course, to see evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. But I'm afraid we will not soon reach the level of development of a civilization that could travel intergalactic distances. You're right
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Re: Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

Postby Canuck1955 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:59 am

Overlooked fact - since the advent of the cellphone and just about everybody has a camera in their pocket, sightings and pictures of UFO's have gone down.
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Re: Alert : WE have Visitors !!!!

Postby TommyJo » Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:20 am

Yes! Exactly! In addition, with the advent of information technology, there are many more skeptics. And they are like: um .. no .. this is an identified flying object, this is such and such a thing. It seems to me that it has, even more, to do with the awareness of the population thanks to satellite and cable Internet.
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