Insane! ASN & Opus - TOGETHER!!!

General discussion about payware add-ons

Insane! ASN & Opus - TOGETHER!!!

Postby OldAirmail » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:16 pm

There was an FS9 post about clouds recently that mentioned ASN.

I'd downloaded a time limited version of ASN a year or two ago to help decide between Active Sky Next and OpusFSX.

OpusFSX won.

But many strongly prefer ASN, so I thought that I'd try it again.

Same thing this time - Opus won again. But that's a personal choice, and this isn't a discussion about which weather engine is better.

This just a few pictures about what happens when you run BOTH of them together, at the same time.

Strangely, nothing crashed. This was with Prepar3d. I didn't try FSX.

Of course lot will depend on just what the weather is at the location that you're flying in.

Just for the record: This is BOTH programs running together. It looks very different with only one or the other running.




I need to save money, not to buy software, but with ASN on a sale that ends Friday, it is tempting.
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