Music cheaters!

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Music cheaters!

Postby B1a2rrios » Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:33 pm

The other day, i was listening to my mom's radio station, and to my biggest surprise, i hear this song.... It started just like a rap song from eminen called "stan", but as it kept playing, it was different somehow! :o. A woman came out singing in the song, and most of the song was different(in the words) but the background song was just like the eminen one ???. This is not the first song that has done this. There another country singger that "copied" a rap song! >:(. And what's even most amasing of all, i have heard spainsh songs based on an american song!!! With the background sound, and theme the same as the song "I gotta get through this"! :o. I cant belive this!
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Polynomial » Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:02 am

I believe your thinking of the song by Dido and Eminem.  I'm not entirely sure of the legality of it all but i assume that the two artists agreed and they have made a song outta two songs.
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Meinas » Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:16 am

I believe they were two seperate songs to begin with also,

I noticed that Kid Rock uses quite a few riffs from Metallica, I cant name the songs though right off hand...
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:42 am

Welcome to the world of Corporate Music!
There are no musicians anymore!! Just a bunch of suits telling people what to play.
Look at this "New Metal " crap!!
I'll turn on the radio and all I hear is Nickelback or is it Three Doors Down? I don't know everybody sounds the same!!
And this Rap or hip hop whatever it is they call it, what is up with that? Not one of the songs (using the term loosely!) is original, listen to them all of them use music that was written 10-20 years ago, they just add some spitting and UH!UH! too them.
To the younger crowd, there is a bunch of guys in suits that "make" the music, they steal someone else's music tell a singer (once again term used loosely!) to sing it and we will make money, wise up they think you are stupid!!
There is no such thing as real music anymore, same goes for country, R&B, POP etc.
Can you name one artist (used loosely again!) that is selling any of this crap that will be still recording anything in 5 years? No, because they won't!
You want to hear real music from groups with staying power and origianality, REAL musicians!
Check out the KISS/Aerosmith tour, there is real music.
As far as this TOOL, 3 doors down, Limb Biscuit , or any other "new metal" throw it out now because you aren't holding on to anything that will be worth a penny in a year or so.
Metallica was at one time a great metal legend until the suits got to them now look at them ,ST.Anger I'll tell you who is angry me and a million or so other Ex-Metallica fans.
Corperate music sucks and will not last. The  '80s were the time to be growing up, with real music rock and roll and metal! All real all original and all here to stay!
If you want to really get into listening to real music then start in the early 70's and work on up to the early 90's.
Here's another example: Shiniaw Twain (or however you spell it) Not one of her songs she has wrote herself, not to mention you listen to one of her songs you have heard them all, each album is the same song with some words changed, who is buying this? someone must be because she keeps making the same record over and over! I know who is buying it prepubesent boys!! Yes I'll admit if I was just becoming a "man" I would buy it to just for the pictures.
What is it with these Hip Hop dudes always saying "Keeping it real"? Keeping what real? There is nothing that they do that is real.
Point is they no longer sell real music and no one new is creating it. Real music is coming from the bands and artist that have been around for 20 + years, but you don't hear much advertising or promotional stuff about them because the fans know. Music now is created for the 12- 16 year olds who in another few years will grow up and realize they have been ripped off and cheated.
So my advice to the younger generation:
If it is advertised and out on sale and talked about on Entertainment Tonight and shoved in your face everywhere you look (Britney Spears is a good example)
It is not worth wasting your time or money on!
And boys remember Britney will be old and saggy with bad teeth in a few more years!!
And a note to B1a2rrios: Chances are that the song was the same but Eminem probably stole it from her!
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Craig. » Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:42 am

actually the song your thinking of is Thank you by Dido, She wrote the song first, eminem heard it in a movie and asked her if she would mind if he used it for Stan, And then they went through an entire tour together and so on.

As for kid rock i think he has only used two metalica riffs just cant remember which:)

just remember to do some research guys:)
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Hagar » Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:47 am

What Fretnsuff said. People with no talent making a good living by stealing other people's hard work. Dead easy ain't it. Hear something you like, sample the riff & use it as a backing track. No originality - nothing. Too much of this seems acceptable now. I call it piracy - plain & simple. I dread to think where it will all end. ::)
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby ATI_7500 » Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:14 am

not every copied song is long as you bring some new ideas in or play it in a different way.

nickelback and kid rock - saturday night (is all right for fightin')
quicksand - how soon is now

Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Tequila Sunrise » Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:17 pm

Most covers p!ss me off for instance some prat has just covered "Behind Blue eyes" and another "group" one f these TV wannabe thingies has just ripped off "Happy Christmas" (JohnLennon, "War is over") and I'm pretty sure theres a version of "Imagine" doing the rounds >:(.
But what really gets to me are manufactured groups such as "Busted", 3 guys prettending to be a rock band, when theyre friggin teeny boppers. They clearly don't play their own music as they often use chrods that require 3 hands, notes are heard before theyre struck and more/fewer time than they are played >:(.
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Maccers » Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:46 pm

As for kid rock i think he has only used two metalica riffs just cant remember which:)

American Bad Ass us a direct copy of Sad but true... thats all i know of, but i hade kid rock. >:(

I have no problem with bands covering songs other bands wrote, as long as the origional writers and performers are given full credit and given royalties for it. Its when you spend months writing a song and then have someone make a dance / rap song out of it and give nothing to whoever did it!
That sickens me because all you hear on europiean radio is dance, or rap, R&B etc. and very little rock music you get pop-grunge and softer nu-metal like Linkin Park and Nickelback, but thats not real rock music. Those who have true tallent (like being able to play a musical instrument, or sing, or both at the same time) have very little respect among the general public, and i think they need to be made aware of the other types of music.
Whats becoming a more increasing part of music is sex, not love, just raw S E X, and that also does my head in. You ask a random person in the street who they like they say Britney Spears or Westlife... why??? "Cos they look gourgous". They go on stage and mime about getting off with a girl / guy, and its all the same. At least with bands like Metallica, KoRn etc have a deeper meaning to their music. Notice i said 'mime'. The suits choose them to mime on stage because theres going to be a million screaming girls / guys who want to stare at them. Its like prono! :o
(Have i gone on too long?) :)
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:49 pm

Remember that was the same with the Monkees (assuming your age!) , but at least they learned how to play and went on tour!
Actually sound real good when I saw them!!
But that is it all fake!!
And ripping off Lennon!!!! That deserves the death sentence!!
You will hear one of these "fakes" do a Lennon song , and forget it in five minutes.
You listen to Lennon do the song and you remember it for life!
By the way Insane Clown Posse- What is that all about?
And I was (still am) called a freak for listening to KISS!
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:57 pm

For all the younger simmers:
Remember if you hear it on the radio today it will be gone tommorow!
The real music never gets airplay, or sometimes you might be lucky and tune in at the right time when the rebelious DJ is working.
The reason the real stuff isn't on the radio is because of the "suits".
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby KnightStryker » Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:36 pm

The real music never gets airplay

try useing the scan button on your radio, I have three stations I can pickup that constantly play the music you are referring to as "the real music", and I can not stand to listen to any of them.

Music is a personal choice kinda thing, think about it.
your parents probably didn't like the music you liked when you were growing up, just like their parents probably didn't like the music they liked when they were growing up. Really guys, how much bickering do we have to do to figure out that no matter what anyone says, I will listen to the music I like, and you will listen to the music you like, nothing either one of us can say to change the others mind about what good music is. This argument is almost as old as music itself is, when are we gonna let it die.

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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Lethal.Ambition » Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:11 pm

Look all I know

They use to make music
and now they don't ;D
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby B1a2rrios » Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:17 pm

Music is a personal choice kinda thing, think about it.

It's true! I mean, i like most rap songs while some others hate them to death. Imagine the world with only rap songs :-/  :o...Just think of this: If the only music in the world would be "real music", we would probably have about couple houndred music CDs! and i think today's teens(and some men) would certainly hate like most of those songs; and the whole world would get tired of listening to the same songs. So i think that as long as they keep making new songs, and the people like those songs, it's not really a matter of coping music from other people.
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Paz » Fri Dec 05, 2003 4:29 am

Here's another example: Shiniaw Twain (or however you spell it) Not one of her songs she has wrote herself,

Actually Shania Twain writes all her own music along with her producer/husband.

As far as this TOOL, 3 doors down, Limb Biscuit , or any other "new metal" throw it out now because you aren't holding on to anything that will be worth a penny in a year or so.

 These three bands have already been around quite a while and still sell very well when they put out something new.

The  '80s were the time to be growing up, with real music rock and roll and metal! All real all original and all here to stay!

 Yes, the 80's were cool, but even then you had a lot of industry created music, it just so happened that metal had a good grip on the spotlight during that period, there was still Rap and Pop music like New Kids on the Block.
 As far as all of the 80's bands being here to stay, that's not entirely true, most of the bands that were big in the 80's are either disbanded or touring nightclubs in some diluted form of the original lineup.

 Personally I listen to most everything and try not to be too critical of any of it, if I don't like a song on the radio I change the station, very simple.

 Most all the music that is being attacked here is the top 40 stuff, radio plays this stuff into the ground, and a lot of times I hear a song I like and a few weeks later I can't stand it because I hear it so much.
 For as long as I can remember (including the 80's) most of the best music is indeed ignored by radio, you have to find the stuff by word of mouth, reading magazines or some other method, if you are lucky you might live in an area that has a radio station that plays underground and some of the more obscure music.

 Overall I think there is a good mix of music sharing the charts, bands like Korn, P.O.D., and Limp Biscuit right next to Missy Elliot, Ludacris and Britney, these are just examples and I do not necessarily like all the music these folks are recording.

 Don't get me wrong, I too could be very critical and rant about how the music industry is unfair to truly talented musicians, that's just the way it is, complaining doesn't do any good, you just have to seek out the music you love and try to turn others on to it.
 There is a lot of music I listen to that will never get played on the radio, but the musicians are making some of the most original music out there.  I also listen to the popular music too, I would hate to fall out of touch with what's going on, this may not matter to some people, but I have always been very open minded to all music and intend to keep it that way.

 Just hang on, the industry will evolve again just like it always does, and 10 years from now who knows what will be popular, I can promise you that no matter what happens in the music industry, you will always have music that is making millions of dollars dominating the charts and millions of people complaining about it.

 Listen to what you like, that's the only thing you can really do, and always remember you can change the station, or pop in a CD.
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