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Postby Sock » Fri Oct 31, 2003 5:17 pm

Lately, I seem to be having a little case of writer's bloke when it comes to writing lyrics.  Over the summer I must have spit out eleven or twelve songs that were relitively good.  Over the past two months I've written about two.  Yeah, one in September, and one two weeks ago.  I think it's lack of inspiration, what else would it be! ::)  I think I just need something to inspire me.  I know some you have or do write music in one form or another, so what do you or did you use for inspiration?

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Re: Lyrics

Postby Paz » Fri Oct 31, 2003 6:52 pm

 Well, I can only tell you how I used to write songs, it may not be a suitable method for you, nor am I condoning any illegal activities.
 A lot of times I would hear music and the way the lyrics would fit to the tune in my head before anything was recorded, I would always work out and record the music first, once I had that tweaked and mixed to sound pretty good, I would fire myself up a magic cigarette, then sit back and listen to my music over and over, the lyrics seemed to just come to me in a haze of the magic cigarette smoke.
 I have taken as long as 6 weeks to record and perfect a single song, my quickest time was 8 hours from the time the idea popped into my head to the final written and mixed tune complete with lyrics and vocals, and I owe it all to those magic cigarettes, a lot of times I would light up a magic cigarette with no intention of writing music, and suddenly I would have all kinds of songs and ideas pop into my head, that's how I wrote most all of my music.

 Now like I said, this may not be the answer for everyone, but it dang sure worked for me, I wrote some pretty heavy music for nearly 20 years thanks to the magic cigarettes.
 I miss those days.

 The only other fullproof method I know of to writing damn good lyrics is to go find a girl and kind of fall in love with her, then when she bails on you, you will write some of the best music you will ever me!
Still no linked images allowed around here Paz! Naughty...
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Re: Lyrics

Postby Sock » Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:43 pm

The only other fullproof method I know of to writing damn good lyrics is to go find a girl and kind of fall in love with her, then when she bails on you, you will write some of the best music you will ever me!

:(  I find it hard to put my emotions into a song...Even with the loneliness, and despair of normal teenage progression... :'(

I'll have to try a magical cigarette. ;)  Or a magical bottle of scotch...  :)  J/K

Well, thanks for the advice man.

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Re: Lyrics

Postby Sock » Sat Nov 01, 2003 6:46 pm

Good song but wtf ??? as far as I can tell its about fleas, lol ;D.

Thats okay...They're AC/DC.  Nuff' said.

Sock ;D
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Re: Lyrics

Postby Sock » Fri Nov 07, 2003 5:17 pm

Now I only thought of this now, but what the hey!  I'll be an advicate of the "magics" of song writing.

This song was written with aid of the magical liquid.  Megadeth's Holy Wars...And The Punishment Due.

Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand

Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?

A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand

The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be your homelands

Holy wars

Upon my podium, as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgement
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God

Wage the war on organized crime
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
Behind the lines
Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die

They killed my wife, and my baby
With hopes to enslave me
First mistake... last mistake!
Paid by the alliance, to slay all the giants
Next mistake... no more mistakes!

Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Because I don't say it, don't mean I ain't
Thinkin' it
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
And the lack of mercy killings

And it's a great song thats not about fleas. ;D

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