Music cheaters!

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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Fri Dec 05, 2003 6:45 am

I'm sorry but even after reading my own posting I realize that the way I put it is rather one sided.
I do have a hard time of explaining myself and what I mean so others can understand me.
One thing is my definition of "real music" is:
Music that the artist has created themselves, granted there are great songwriters that can't play a lick, or sing, their specialty is writting. And they depend on the musician to record and play it for the world too hear and I'm all for that.
My beef is the "fake", the corperate run "bands" or "fads" the stuff that won't last ,the stuff that I don't understand how anyone can call it music.
Music has went from a form of expression and feeling to "this song is great and meaningfull and expresses the way I feel, but the kids won't like it" or "the radio won't play it".
Music isn't about music anymore!
I know that music has been industry run forever, and each generation has had thier own form or style, some that have hung in there and some that have blowen off the face of the earth. But music now is aimed at the 12- 14 year old people.
And for bands that are trying to get a start, it is harder than ever to even record, you have the suits telling you how you should record, what songs you should record etc.
this advice coming from one who probably never played a instrument or wrote a song ever.
Yes it is all about money plain and simple. And because of that the world is missing out on great music because someone in a office said that the radio won't play it , or the "kids" won't buy it etc. Trash it!
I remember when people joked about Milli Vinnili and how they were bashed for being fake, well I hate to tell you they are alive and well in spirit, turn on MTV or the radio they they are, they just look different.
I do agree to all forms of music though my post might not show it, I can basically listen to anything and I have my likes and dislikes. And by no means do I want to sound like I'm trying to tell people mine are any more important than thiers. I may be misunderstood but these are my opinions and should mean nothing to others.
Unfortanatly I'm here in East Tenneesee and there is no such thing as a good radio station or varity, you have country,classic rock, hip-hop, gospel. All play the same songs over and over again.
So maybe the new topic should be (this idea came to me from a local rock station ad  that claims to have the largest classic rock collection in the world!)
If a band can record a couple hundred songs, why do you only play one of them?
Thank god for cd's and MP3's!!
Final thought:
Music should be experianced not force fed, if you like it fine , if I don't who cares!!
To each his own and that is the way it should be!
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Paz » Fri Dec 05, 2003 8:05 pm

 You have to keep in mind also that the music industry does not force anyone to buy anything, when Britney or Justin Timberlake (or any of the other "manufactured performers") sells millions of CD's, it's because that's what the masses are buying, regardless of talent or lack of, people love to dance, so anything with a dance beat sells.
 Another thing to think about is the fact that most people are not musicians, they could care less about who wrote a song or who is performing it, if it sounds cool to them they buy it, I would have to say the majority of the music buying public would fall into this category, that's why the music you may not care for is so popular, you probably look a lot deeper and try to find the true talent of a musician, and I agree that most truly talented musicians get very little recognition, but that doesn't keep you or I from enjoying their music, and I'm sure those real musicians appreciate the fans spending their hard earned dollars to buy a CD in a way that the mega-superstars have long since forgotten about (or maybe never even knew) while they drown in their pools full of Benjamins, huge cribs and bling-bling.
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Hagar » Fri Dec 05, 2003 8:23 pm

I have a pretty wide taste in music & never objected to anything providing it's original & well performed. I don't mind new versions of old songs & like some myself - providing they're not exact cover versions of the original with the same arrangement. I never saw the point of that as to my mind the original is invariably better in every way.

What I do object to is these people ripping off other musician's stuff wthout crediting the original authors or giving them some form of payment. It seems that this is perfectly legal. Well, that might be so but I find it immoral to say the least. I realise that morality means little these days.

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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby B1a2rrios » Fri Dec 05, 2003 9:46 pm

OMG people, you are really into this music thing... ;D. I just got the opinion that new music is always welcomed. I know this music-copying thing is kinda messed up, but well, some people rather hear the copy than the It's all about enjoying music! :P ;)
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:32 am

B1a2rrios your right it is enjoying music and like I said that my opinion is mine and mine alone that is what make this country great use your freedom of speech while you still have it!!
And what Hagar said about the copying (stealing) do any of you remember Vanilla Ice.
He ripped of the fine work of Queen/Bowie, that is where I remember this stealing trend starting but I'm know it has happened before then, but this one was when it really made people relize  it was happening.
I'm not at all against one artist using another artist song, as long as it is done with the permission of the person responsiable for the effort.
I to have heard some covers that were performed better than the original.
And I hate to say it but do you know that some Iron Maiden songs sound really cool performed by the Boston pops orchrestra?
I guess there is a right way and a wrong way to go about using someone else's work to your benifit.
Yes new music is always welcome, that is why I love this site it allows you to voice your opinion, ask for help and just have fun without prejuduce!
And the occasional slap in the face and wake up and smell the coffee is wecome too.
God I love this place!!
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:34 am

P.S. You really want to fire me up start talking about censorship!!
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Hagar » Sat Dec 06, 2003 6:10 am

Fretnstuff. From what I've said you know I feel as strongly on this issue as you.

On the subject of censorship & freedom of speech I would remind you that:

1. This is a private forum with its own simple rules set by the webmaster of SimV. Basically, the members agree to abide by those rules. The forum moderators are allowed a restricted form of censorship & can delete anything they judge as unsuitable or likely to cause offence. This power is fortunately rarely used due to the good sense of the moderators & general membership.

2. This is an international forum with members from all over the world. One country's laws do not apply here & are no more or less important than the laws of another.

OK. Let the discussion continue. ;)

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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Tequila Sunrise » Sat Dec 06, 2003 12:22 pm

"One country's laws do not apply here & are no more or less important than the laws of another."

even the ones like it being illegal for a frog to croak (sp) after midnight in Mississipi, or it being perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow in York on a Sunday
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Hagar » Sat Dec 06, 2003 12:37 pm

[quote] "One country's laws do not apply here & are no more or less important than the laws of another."

even the ones like it being illegal for a frog to croak (sp) after midnight in Mississipi, or it being perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow in York on a Sunday
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Craig. » Sat Dec 06, 2003 1:05 pm

i can understand that frog croaking after midnight in MS one:) having spent a while there, it sure as hell gets annoying. although be nice to see the cops get on with the job of finding those frogs:)
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:24 pm

I understand the rules of this site and don't consider anything the moderators might deem unappropriate censorship.
The reason for this is because I was given the rules ahead of time and understand that if I were to say or do anything unappropriate that I might be banned.
The Censorship I refer to is the kind that the government or censorship groups try to force on you, where you don't have the choice.
I was given the rules for this site and I respect them that is why I'm here, if the rules offended me I would not be. I understand the purpose of this site is "family friendly" and do agree somethings should not be here.
And because of that I send thanks too the moderators, they have a hard job and a weight on their shoulders having to decide what or what not should be posted here.
A job I would not want.
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby B1a2rrios » Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:25 pm

So much for frogs! ;D Where i live, trains make noise all the time, and belive me, it's really loud >:(. I certainly wouldnt mind frogs... :P
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby B1a2rrios » Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:30 pm

The Censorship I refer to is the kind that the government or censorship groups try to force on you, where you don't have the choice.

I know what are you talking about fretnstuff. It's not cool living in a place like that. :-/
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Craig. » Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:42 pm

i had a friend who lived right next to a train line, would come by pretty fast all the time, nothing more than a dull rumble, and the occasional horn, and that was one 30 feet away. dont know what type of trains go by yours so who knows:) i do know american trains tend to be a little louder, but double glazed windows should sort that out.
Side note it works for the 737-200 that flys over my house at 1500ft twice a day to ireland. noisy little thing that:)
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Re: Music cheaters!

Postby Politically Incorrect » Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:27 pm

Would that make it legal to shoot a scottish frog with a bow
croaking after midnight on Sunday in Mississippi?
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