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Postby Polynomial » Thu Oct 30, 2003 2:25 am

How do you read tabs  ;D   ;D  ;D i must sound like a real gumby!
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Re: Tabs

Postby deadnight » Thu Oct 30, 2003 3:58 am

Eh... well It's actually quite simple.

You have 6 strings.. (hence the 6 lines shown on a guitar tab) The line on the bottom of the tab corisponds with the top string on your guitar. (the one closer to the cealing)

So if it shows a '2' on the bottom line on the tab, then you fret the second fret of the top string of your guitar. (it might sound weird, but the way it is actually makes it easier once you figure it out) if it shows a 12 on the bottom line, then you fret the 12 fret of the top string on your guitar. Tabs don't show rhythm though so you have to figure that out on your own.

You should actually check out for some good information. The best guitar website their is.
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Re: Tabs

Postby Poseidon » Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:48 am

I comprehensive tutorial on what is tab and how to read it is found in teh Guitar/tab section of Harmpny Central website: In the same website you will find lots of tabs to download of known artists categorized alphabetically.

The above website is part of the Harmoby Central: which is ideal for any kind of music staff like intruments, effects, amplifiers etc.
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