Road Rage Test

What are you laughing at?

Road Rage Test

Postby Deputy » Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:48 am

Ever notice that so many other drivers out there are real jerks? Have you ever wanted to get even with any of them? Take our little test to see how close you are to becoming another road rager.

1. You're at a busy mall parking lot waiting for a space. Someone comes by and steals your spot. What would you do?
A. I'd beep my horn and make rude gestures, but probably drive away.
B. I'd get out of my car and tell them to move theirs to another spot, or else.
C. I'd drive away, but as soon as they were in the mall, I'd go back and key their paint job.
D. Since I have really good insurance, I'd just teach them a lesson by ramming their car.
E. I'd get frustrated but drive away.

2. An elderly woman is driving slowly in front of you. You would:
A. Wait for the first safe opportunity to pass.
B. Go around her and flip her off as I go by.
C. Lay on the horn until Grandma speeds up.
D. Gently ''nudge'' her to the curb lane with the front bumper.
E. Stay behind her at a safe distance.

3. Have you ever driven on the sidewalk?
A. Yes, but only in video games.
B. Once, but it was to avoid an accident.
C. Heck, yeah--it's just another slow lane.
D. There was that time the guy yelled at me to turn my music down. They say he may walk again someday.
E. No! I would never do that!

4. Have you ever gone through a red light because you felt you had waited long enough for it to turn green?
A. Yeah, but I REALLY had to go to the bathroom.
B. Yes. But I do it only if there's no other traffic.
C. Sure--as long as there's an opening in traffic.
D. Only when I'm in a hurry. And it's funny how it seems like I'm always in a hurry.
E. No, I'm never in that much of a hurry.

5. Have you ever gotten into an actual physical confrontation over a driving incident?
A. We exchanged insults and threats once, but that was about it.
B. I threw a rock at a car that cut me off once.
C. Yeah, I got into a fight with a guy who had cut me off. I kicked his butt.
D. Yep. But they'll never find the body.
E. Nope. It's just not worth it.
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?

Iustita Omnibus
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Re: Road Rage Test

Postby ozzy72 » Sat Mar 15, 2003 1:19 pm

I don't have road rage. I drive a T72! ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Road Rage Test

Postby BFMF » Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:58 pm

DOn't have road rage either ;)
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Re: Road Rage Test

Postby Deputy » Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:44 pm

Apparently, on question 5, the police come if you answer "d"
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?

Iustita Omnibus
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Re: Road Rage Test

Postby BFMF » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:51 pm

I would imagine ;)
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Re: Road Rage Test

Postby Blade » Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:26 pm

I don't have road rage. I drive a T72! ;D ;D ;D

Ozzy 'What was that? Oh just a Lada'

Yea Ozzy, but we Americans drive M1A2 Abrams
Last edited by Blade on Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Road Rage Test

Postby BFMF » Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:37 am

That T-72 is toast ;D
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