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Just thinking about.....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:00 am
by Tug002
If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank goodness nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery—Bill Maher

Why were we told to lower our AC usage on hot days to prevent overwhelming the electric grid while simultaneously being told to trade in our gas cars for electric vehicles?

Are we living in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended?

Why is talking sexually in the workplace considered sexual harassment to adults…but talking about sexuality to children K-3 at school considered education?

The most powerful governments on earth can’t stop a virus from spreading…but they say they can change the earth’s temperature if you pay more taxes.
Want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That’s how gun control works.

If you don’t want to stand for the national anthem, perhaps you should give your legs to a veteran who lost his. That way a real man can stand in your place.

Keep smiling
Tug :)

Re: Just thinking about.....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:06 pm
by yancovitch
some good ones there........