Actually it isn't even the phone - its the people / Corporations behind it, those who sit up in the Corporate offices who dream and "Encourage" this stuff, its almost like George Orwells 1984 !!
All this tracking where you go, what time, how often etc.
and the money that stuff costs, unbelievable !
The younger generation today, those under 30, think nothing of blowing $200.00 to as much as $500.00 for these electronic devices just to purchase them, then theres the "CONTRACT" they want them to sign and Pay for up to several years for the service.
Know wonder they don't have any Money left / Saved.
When I was growing up in the late 1960's and 1970's era, most people just had a basic Telephone, and most of those only cost anywhere from $16.00 to $25.00 and the only phone service they had was basic home telephone service, that was only about $12.00 to $18.00 a month.
and guess what - Businesses were able to do Business and make money and be profitable and employee people.
People / Live human beings were actually holding real live Conversations with each other on the phone and in Person, Live in person, can ya Imagine that, another person actually talking to another live person - in person !
Back then, our parents and elders were actually able to SAVE Money and have a savings / checking account, because there wasn't all this Over-Rated Junkola out to steal their money every month.
And most of the time when people drove vehicles, most of the time they paid attention to what they were doing, with a few exceptions of course.
There wasn't all these Accidents while Texting and or talking on the phone while driving.
I dunno' they've invented and put out a device that has become very Dangerous and they've got people brainwashed into believing they couldn't Live without it.
Guarantee ya if and when something happens that totally knocks out Cell phone service as well as internet service for a long period of time or forever, their gonna go bonkers and have no idea what to do, their so dependant on it.
I remember out east when 911 happened, many didn't know what to do, lotta things were shut down, interrupted, etc.
I'm stickin to my String and 2 coffee cans strung together for communication !
Hey, can YOU hear me
Hello' - Hello'