One Phone Text Is To Much!

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One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby BLAZE » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:32 pm

Oh no! Phone texting has now invaded my life. :hand: I am one who has and always will hate phone texting. But my sister and niece
have got them selves caught Up in this 'EPIDEMIC' and its cutting into (Invading) my peaceful life. :shifty: My sister is in her fifties.. what the
heck is she doing getting caught up in a kids game? There.. she just texted me again!!! I love my sister but STOP IT!!!! Jeeez.

I can't imagine what you guys with yong kids have to deal with. Buying the latest phone with the newest bells & whistles and such. I remember
a time not so long ago, when all you had to do to get away from all the madness was get out of the house for alittle bit or take a drive somewhere.

That nagging wife or the kids couldn't get ahold of you till you got home. Ahh the good ol'days. Give me a pay phone any day! Take back these
rechid gadgets. Just Sayin..

Dwayne ....Getting up in age and don't take well to change..
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Blaquehardt » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:10 pm

It's a "phone" for Christs sake!. I have to agree with ya but what I can't understand is where I see people texting; like Church, a Wedding, a Funeral, even sports events (how do you watch the event if you are typing all the time?).
Last thing is if you can't say it in person then maybe you shouldn't say (type/text) anything... :naughty:
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby expat » Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:23 am

Looks like I am the odd one out. At the grand old age of 45, I use texting all the time with my wife as she is a teacher and has to have her phone either off or on silent. It is a great way to pass information that I / she needs. Then I use Whatsapp to communicate with my best friend who emigrated to Australia and my cousin in the States and my is father, who at the age of 75 has taken on a smart phone (and I have to say, he is dam good with it). Often, texting is better than a phone call. As the the real name for texting is SMS, Short Message System, short being the best part of it. I can communicate with people without having to speak to them.........or pay for international phone calls.. :D

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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby expat » Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:57 am

PS I am looking forward to Fozzer's "opinion" on the mobile phone :lol: :lol:

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Re: One Phone Text Is Too Much!

Postby Fozzer » Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:19 am

expat wrote:PS I am looking forward to Fozzer's "opinion" on the mobile phone :lol: :lol:


.... :lol: ... :lol: ... :lol: ...!

I've said it all before, you all know my feelings about the dreaded Mobile Phone (and their owners), so I wont repeat it all over again... ;) .....

...just read all my previous posts regarding the subject... :twisted: ...!

God...I hate the bloody things with a vengeance known to the Borg!.... :shock: ...!
Any time I am in someone's company, their bloody Mobile is going off all the time...or they are busy "texting"...and ignoring me! in peace and quietness... :mrgreen: ...!

Land-line phone...and long lengths of copper wire... :dance: ...!

"I will vaporize you, and your accursed Mobile Phone!"...>>> Image
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Jetranger » Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:14 am

I have NO Idea how to Text, and I've never tried either and don't care to know either, especially for what it costs to send / receive those Texts !

However I do own a cheap prepaid cell phone I only use and take with me on long trips in case of emergency.

I do not and never give out the number to the cell phone to anybody for any reason, I rarely receive any phone calls well zilch for that matter on the cell.

If I've got something to say to somebody , I either do it in person, or send them an E-Mail from my home puter or write them a letter and stick it in the mail with one of those Sticker things we used to call a STAMP !!

All this new Techno-Communication [ Techno-Junk ] is seriously making people stupid as F$#@, their becoming "Braindead Zom-Bots" to these devices !

They think they can Drive while Texting, why they can't even hold an intelligent conversation with another human being without Texting on their device, right in front of them, and mostly , about Nothing anyway !

Just the other day I seen a woman in her 20's - Driving & Texting, and on her Blackberry, and her Apple I-Pod, and her mini pad thingy and using her Microsoft Gadget while reading the newspaper, eating, drinking her soda, and putting on make up and putting on her lipstick, all while driving 70 mph down the freeway,,,,

that's NOT Multi Tasking - that's Multi- Stupidity !!! :clap: :dance: :clap:
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby wifesaysno » Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:23 am

Even though I am young and a part of this 'texting' age group, I could not be more texting retarded!
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:12 am

Never in the history of human communication has so much drivel been spouted by so many fools.

Twitter is aptly named. It's for twits.

It's important, to them, that people text them.

That it's a mindless abbreviation of words is unimportant.

Their credo is "I text, therefore I am".

A friend of mine has an iPhone. Needless to say, his wife has to have an iPhone too.

Well, of course, his daughter has to have a phone (She's had one since the age of 9).

As she can't be ridiculed by her peers for having anything less than an iPhone, she has an iPhone.

He will not consider cutting his phone bill. Period.

Next month he goes to court to try and keep his house, and there's no way that he can catch up to the payments now.

Three homeless people texting on their iPhone.

I have a Blackberry from work. People can call me. People can email me. People can text me.

If you call me, I'll talk to you.

If you want me to read an email on the phone, you had better call me, and tell me that it's very important.

I have no clue what, in the way of text messages, is on my phone, I don't respond. Sooner or later, people will call me if it's important.

At 60+ there's no way I'll try to type more than 2 or 3 words on that tiny keypad in reply to an email. Just to read it I need to squint or put on some magnifying glasses.

I'm not cranky! I'm just intolerant of stupidity.
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Fozzer » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:10 am

...and beware...

You are a low-life, useless piece of nothingness if you don't have an "APP" on your iPad, Blackberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, phone... :shock: ...!

Life without an "APP" must be unbearable for these folks!... :( ...!

Paul... :lol: ... :lol: ...!
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Apex » Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:05 am

Ah hah! Another two cents of mine going down here.

Cell phone only for an on-the-road emergency. Texting: Good grief, don't I/we spend enough time typing stuff at home?

Used to be New Year's Eve was the most dangerous time to drive ("OK, now, just pretend everyone's drunk and drive very, very carefully.")

Now it's every day.

It's driving gloves, eyes front, both hands on the wheel, and "OK, now, just pretend everyone's texting and drive very, very carefully."
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Jetranger » Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:15 pm

Breaker - Breaker,anybody out there got ya Ears on ???

I need a Radio Check, come back ,,,,,

Mercy sakes alive hittin me bout' 10 on the Richter Scale,

whats your 20, come back, I'll be rollin west bound down the super Slab, 10-4.

I Remember those days, all to well,,, everybody had one it seemed like and YOU actually Talked with YOUR mouth and communicated Verbally with other Live human beings who'd respond back to you Verbally, what was known then as "Verbal Communication" !!

Its an Amazing thing that orfice under our noses, commonly referred to as a MOUTH !

to be able to communicate with other LIVE human beings with in eye sight of where YOUR at, such a great Invention that device known as a MOUTH !

Also it can be used to communicate thru devices that are FREE and don't bill you outrageous sums of money every month, what used to be known as the CB Radio, ya ya could talk to damn near anybody local or Far away for NOTHING, all at the press of your mike button switch.

Breaker - Breaker do YOU understand what I'm sayin, Come back ??????

See ya on the Flip~Flop !

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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby BLAZE » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:46 pm

Yep, there's no doubt that I'm not the only one on this planet that feels the way I do about this rechid invention. Its not the phone, but what
its capable of and how its negatively affecting society that's the issue. Its not just some guys blowing hot air in frustration, its a real issue.

This is messed up!.. remember what I said about my sister texting me while I was starting this thread? Since yesterday evening she texted me
40 times! Theres 42 from her but 2 were from the other day.

Word of advice, not that you need it but I'll say it anyway. Don't make the mistake I made and answer them back! It was Interfering with
my flight simming. NO GOOD! :naughty:

Everything you guys have said is TRUE! Kripe, if you gave a C/B to a young person today, they would be trying to figure out how to download
an APP on to it. And wondering why its not excepting it. But heck.. these kids today are weird, they'ed probly figure out how.
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Jetranger » Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:29 am

Actually it isn't even the phone - its the people / Corporations behind it, those who sit up in the Corporate offices who dream and "Encourage" this stuff, its almost like George Orwells 1984 !!

All this tracking where you go, what time, how often etc.

and the money that stuff costs, unbelievable !

The younger generation today, those under 30, think nothing of blowing $200.00 to as much as $500.00 for these electronic devices just to purchase them, then theres the "CONTRACT" they want them to sign and Pay for up to several years for the service.

Know wonder they don't have any Money left / Saved.

When I was growing up in the late 1960's and 1970's era, most people just had a basic Telephone, and most of those only cost anywhere from $16.00 to $25.00 and the only phone service they had was basic home telephone service, that was only about $12.00 to $18.00 a month.

and guess what - Businesses were able to do Business and make money and be profitable and employee people.

People / Live human beings were actually holding real live Conversations with each other on the phone and in Person, Live in person, can ya Imagine that, another person actually talking to another live person - in person !

Back then, our parents and elders were actually able to SAVE Money and have a savings / checking account, because there wasn't all this Over-Rated Junkola out to steal their money every month.

And most of the time when people drove vehicles, most of the time they paid attention to what they were doing, with a few exceptions of course.

There wasn't all these Accidents while Texting and or talking on the phone while driving.

I dunno' they've invented and put out a device that has become very Dangerous and they've got people brainwashed into believing they couldn't Live without it.

Guarantee ya if and when something happens that totally knocks out Cell phone service as well as internet service for a long period of time or forever, their gonna go bonkers and have no idea what to do, their so dependant on it.

I remember out east when 911 happened, many didn't know what to do, lotta things were shut down, interrupted, etc.

I'm stickin to my String and 2 coffee cans strung together for communication !

Hey, can YOU hear me ???

Hello' - Hello' :clap: :dance:
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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Hagar » Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:39 am

Jetranger wrote:Breaker - Breaker,anybody out there got ya Ears on ???

I need a Radio Check, come back ,,,,,

Mercy sakes alive hittin me bout' 10 on the Richter Scale,

whats your 20, come back, I'll be rollin west bound down the super Slab, 10-4.

I Remember those days, all to well,,, everybody had one it seemed like and YOU actually Talked with YOUR mouth and communicated Verbally with other Live human beings who'd respond back to you Verbally, what was known then as "Verbal Communication" !!

That makes as much sense to me as text speak does to you. :P If you think about it CB radio was similar to texting in many ways. It had its own language which was unintelligible to people unfamiliar with it. It never caught on over here in the UK like it did in the US.

Like anything else, modern technology is fine if it's used sensibly. It's not the technology itself but the people who allow themselves to become addicted to it. The more of them there are the more profit for the phone companies.

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Re: One Phone Text Is To Much!

Postby Jetranger » Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:34 am

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