Jet Ranger perhaps you forgot this little quirk with CB radios....many times a channel would get crowded and it would be darn near impossible to get through. And of course if there is an accident on the highway
EVERYBODY thinks they have to announce it on the CB. If they would shut up and listen they would realize it had already been reported a dozen times. That happened one time while I was driving with my dad back in the mid seventies. Then every time someone would call out this one particular accident a woman would come on and say "Thank you, you're number ?? to report it." I think she got to 23 before folks quit.
Also remember the dead zones? Some places you would have no reception because of being in a valley or obstructed by a hill or some other massive object.
As for cell phones... I admit I have one. It's my daughter's hand me down Android phone. She got a up to date iPhone. It does have its uses. I work part time as a caretaker at an apartment complex (74 and still working! It keeps me off the streets) there have been times when I discovered some damage or material discrepancy and I'll take a picture of it and send it to the manager with a text "Are you aware of this?"
Many times he wouldn't be and he'd call asking for more details. This saved me from having to get in my car and drive several blocks to his office and explain the problem.
What drives me nuts is trying to do some grocery shopping and I run into these people who just have to have their phone stuck in their face and yakking about superfluous B.S. while totally oblivious to people trying to get around them. Or even better, at the checkout, phone stuck in their face yakking and fumbling with their check book or credit card. As I've gotten older I've become less patient with B.S. and I'll wait a bit but then I'll
say "You would mind putting your damn phone down and finish checking out? Those of us behind you in line would like to get on with our lives too if you don't mind." That usually works.