Good evening all...

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Good evening all...

Postby Flying Trucker » Sat Sep 08, 2018 6:55 pm

Hi Folks... <<v

It has been a long summer for the Old Girl and I...
Seems like we were seldom home and trying to keep abreast of what was going on here was most difficult.
Would seem like I would sit down for a visit or make a comment and something would interrupt me.

The Old Girl is in her Canning/Preserve Mode...why do I always get stuck with the peeling and cutting of the onions...after 70+plus years of doing onions I should be promoted to the celery, peppers , cucumbers and tomatoes or even the fruit. No I seem to be the one that peels and chops the onions... :think:

We have been to both coast of Canuck Land and to Boston and Salem in the United States this summer. Have only been to one airshow but have Logged 48 Hours with Grandson as our check-pilot. Another year of High School and he will follow in his brothers and fathers footsteps of a Military Career by going to the Royal Military College.

Most of our children did not take Holidays this year...they are either saving them for a big bash when I go or are planning something for the Old Girl and I...bloody sneaky bunch they are...can't get any information from any of the grandchildren or great grandchildren and don't think for one moment I have not tried BRIBERY... :shifty:

Still want to get to the United Kingdom...just to have a wobbly pop with Hagar, Fozzer and Mark...maybe next year.

Well last week I stained 14 picnic tables at the bugsmasher back still aches and the I now realize that is a younger guys job.

We did get a few things done at the bugsmasher field including having a metal roof put on and the kitchen cupboards took a bit of money but it is done.

Well hopefully will get a little more active this winter...still have autumn/fall to get through but looking forward to doing some simulated flights and posts.
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Good evening all...

Postby Anthindelahunt » Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:43 pm

Great to hear from you again Doug.
I was almost going to post'has
anyone heard from Doug lately ?

All is well....Anthin. :shifty:
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Re: Good evening all...

Postby H » Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:39 am

Flying Trucker wrote:We have been to... Boston and Salem in the United States this summer.
What? You slip off the SimV radar and don't even drop a leaflet as you pass on by to the south of me? Oh, well...

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Re: Good evening all...

Postby Hagar » Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:19 pm

Flying Trucker wrote:Still want to get to the United Kingdom...just to have a wobbly pop with Hagar, Fozzer and Mark...maybe next year.

Now that is something I look forward to. :dance:

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Re: Good evening all...

Postby Flying Trucker » Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:09 am

Good morning all... ;)

Would prefer Doug not to come with the Old Girl...her sister and granddaughter are perfect travelling companions for her.
They all like seeing/visiting the same things, several schools, cemeteries, churches and relatives.

Me, I would prefer to just visit World War One and World War Two Airfields and perhaps an Aviation Museum or two.

Neither the Old Girl and I can believe how little time we have during the day, both retired many years ago, have dropped several service clubs as active members but still support them and yet there never seems enough hours in a day to get things done.
We are both early risers and try to keep to our planned daily schedule but still run out of time... :o

Thanks for the replies folks...looking forward to the winter months as I seem to have a bit more time to annoy this electronic gizmo... :lol:
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
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