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Mixture vs Throttle vs Prop control

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:45 pm
by ShaneG_old
I've noticed that these three levers result in a very fine ballet of sorts while flying to maintain speed & power.

Currently, I'm using a manual with a complete checklist from cold & dark back to park, for flying the Baron.

It says during each phase of flight, to get the RPM & MP set with the throttle & Prop control, and I do so as was discussed in my previous thread. 
It then also gives reference speeds for various altitudes while climbing, cruising, and decent, and although it doesn't say it or mention it, I have been adjusting the speed for each using the mixture.

Is that correct?  :-/

If not, what is the correct method of controlling speed ?  :-?

The only time my manual really mentions the mixture lever is for start up, taxi, approach, and shut down.
Nothing is mentioned for climb-out, cruise, and decent.

Thanks for helping with yet another of my basic knowledge questions.   :-[  ;)

Re: Mixture vs Throttle vs Prop control

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:41 pm
by Fozzer
How to...>>>> ... plane.html

Paul....G-BPLF...FS 2005...FS Nav...and a Mixture Knob... 8-)...!

Re: Mixture vs Throttle vs Prop control

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:22 pm
by DaveSims
I've noticed that these three levers result in a very fine ballet of sorts while flying to maintain speed & power.

Currently, I'm using a manual with a complete checklist from cold & dark back to park, for flying the Baron.

It says during each phase of flight, to get the RPM & MP set with the throttle & Prop control, and I do so as was discussed in my previous thread.

Re: Mixture vs Throttle vs Prop control

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:27 pm
by Brett_Henderson
That article describes what a mixture adjustment accomplishes, and that's about it..not a very good "lesson".

You'll have to take your lashings, for flying a complex twin, before fully understanding how a pilot controls mixture in a fixed-prop single

Re: Mixture vs Throttle vs Prop control

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:55 pm
by ShaneG_old
Thanks once again for filling me in on the basics fellas.
Even though it sounds a hell of lot more complicated than it probably is.

Re: Mixture vs Throttle vs Prop control

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:23 pm
by olderndirt
One little technique that works a charm.  Switch to a single mag, lean to max rpm on that one.  When you switch back to both, it'll be just right.  Of course, if you have a panel full of exotic stuff, might as well use it  :).

Re: Mixture vs Throttle vs Prop control

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:27 am
by Fozzer
[quote]One little technique that works a charm.