by Splinter562 » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:30 pm
I'm in nearly the same camp as Mobius for light GA. I fly most of the approach at cruise speed. Full approaches are a nearly a cross country in and of themselves, so it's best to setup for a cruise configuration.
When I slow down to an approach speed depends on the approach I'm flying. For approaches with lots of tight maneuvering, like many VOR approaches for small airports, I'll slow down at the Initial Approach Fix (IAF). For approaches built for jets at bigger airport, I'll wait until I'm approaching the Final Approach Fix (FAF) to slow down. Sometimes, on ILSs with miles between the FAF and the runway, I'll keep the speed up until I'm on short final.
So, for as far as a "rule-of-thumb" for approach speeds:
Light single - 90-100 KTS
Light multi - 100-120 KTS
Here's my general order of operations:
IAF - Cruise or slowing to approach speed
Procedure turn - Cruise or approach speed
FAF - Approach speed, gear down
Runway environment in sight (or short final) - Slowing to normal final approach speed, extend flaps to desired setting for landing when inside white arc.