Tower canceled IFR Flight plan

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Tower canceled IFR Flight plan

Postby Wing Nut » Sun Jul 13, 2003 2:46 pm

Flying out of Palwaukee (again!) in the RG I set my flight plan  for 5000 feet, went through the details and took off.  About 10 minutes into the flight, Chicago departure told me to expedite my climb to 5000.  Ok, says I, wanting to be amicable about it.  I increased my vertical speed and thought nothing more.  A few minutes later I get the same message.  I was passing east of O'Hare, so I figured they wanted me out of the way pretty quick.  By now, I was at 3000 feet.  A few minutes later, I get the same message AGAIN!  By now, I am at 3800, and climbing at 1000 fpm and making about 65 kts headway.  Fly on thinks I,  it's just a game, what can they do.  A few minutes later I found out what they can do.  I got another message: 'Cessna OMS, cancel IFR flight plan, maintain Visual Flight Rules'

So, I was climbing as fast as I could, and they canceled my Flight plan.  Gee, I guess the FS controllers can be just as big of an a$$hole as the real ones huh?  What did I do wrong? >:(
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Re: Tower canceled IFR Flight plan

Postby Craig. » Sun Jul 13, 2003 2:53 pm

see thats what you get for over working controllers by closing meigs,(thankyou mayor daley)
seriously though i am not sure what you done wrong as i have had this happen a few times, prob best to just reset it and go again i guess
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Re: Tower canceled IFR Flight plan

Postby nickle » Fri Oct 31, 2003 12:26 am

I've had that happen in the RG.
I think the problem is the pathetic rate of climb.  Insufficient power available.
You were beyond 10 minutes out and not at assigned altitude so the sim cancelled your IFR.
My change will be to increase the prop scalar for better performance.
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Re: Tower canceled IFR Flight plan

Postby Aces-High » Sat Nov 01, 2003 1:59 am

Real ATC would not to this to you.  In real life the controllers would most likely divert you around the problem area until you are at proper altitude, or they would have you enter a holding pattern until you reached sufficient altitude.  They would not cancel your IFR flight plan.  I don't know why the game is programmed to do this.
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Re: Tower canceled IFR Flight plan

Postby RitterKreuz » Sat Nov 01, 2003 3:24 am

CraigL!! dont even get me started on mayor daley. That guy has to be the biggest crook and largest threat to aviation in recent U.S. History.

now on the subject...

In real life aviation you are supposed to advise air traffic control if you are experiencing a lack of sufficient climb performance that is not at least 500 fpm in the climb. At this point the old crows can decide what to do with you. I remember ferrying a cessna 172 from san fransisco to dallas texas one time and crossing over the mountains into the plains... cought a 1000 fpm downdraft. I was on an IFR flight plan at the time at 11,000 feet which was darn close to minimum en route altitude. I got on the radio and told the guy "Approach, sorry but cessna six zero sierra is descending through a downdraft and we are only capable of descent at this time, we should be out of it in a few minutes but will keep you advised." he didnt cancel my IFR flight plan... instead he just said "Roger, advise when able to resume climb to 11,000 and report reaching 11,000" in a casual voice as if he really didnt give a hoot what i did as long as the little dots on his screen didnt get close together!

There should be some sort of option on flight sim to tell ATC to hold their F-ing horses because this has happened to me on the sim too! It is rather frustrating! maybe it will be fixed in FS 2006?
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