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My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:07 pm
by Stubbedtoe18
Okay, so I have played the game for maybe an hour or so total of actual flight.  I can say that this game is great but is lacking some of the features of Flight Simulator X.

On the one hand, it performs much better on higher graphical setting than does FSX.  Generally it looks much better as well and doesn't take up nearly the same amount of space on my computer.  Everything looks great.  I like how easy the interface is to use and the new features (UI in-flight, the free flight map, etc.) are fantastic.  I also love the Xbox Live integration.

On the other hand...
-No slew mode
-No fast aircraft available yet
-Unskippable first mission or two with that annoying woman

And, worst of all, only TWO planes come with the game (I have a Live account) and any additional content being offered costs a significant amount of money.  With the amount of content inevitably to be released, nobody will be able to realize their capacity to have anything approaching a "full" game without spending at least $50 for even 3 or so add ons.  I find this to be absolutely ridiculous.  Sure, the game is free, but paying close to $20 for every single aircraft released to expand my hanger is not feasible.

That being said, with the addition of user content I'm hoping the game will be more pleasurable.  Hopefully the island(s) of Hawaii won't get old too fast since what is included looks better than FSX, but shit man.  I like the game but I am afraid it will cost too much to make it truly worth it or fun.  Plus, without slew mode, the game will drag HORRIBLY on without the addition of faster aircraft I can just cruise around in.

It has a lot of polishing and, with the addition of some of the more practical options offered in the traditional Flight Simulator series, Flight can be a great game.  Microsoft just needs to think more of its fans and consumers and how much we are willing to/able to afford in order to improve the game on an individual basis.

Re: My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:11 pm
by Stubbedtoe18
It is also worth mentioning that there is no way Microsoft can completely neglect third party developers.  They are fully aware of how prolific and dedicated the Flight Sim community is and how much third party development enriches their games.  They fully embrace it for Flight Simulator, so why not for Flight?  I think they're going to find less success than they want and ultimately are going to have to reconsider their initial parameters.

Additionally, what exactly will keep developers from creating products for it?

Re: My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:35 pm
by EricFSX92
I think the whole idea with being such a limited are; is for a small download for first time use, as well as, just two slow planes to "enjoy the scenery" so people can enjoy the wonders of flight in paradise. I bet they wont produce any fast aircraft such as jets, wont make sense if u just have hawaii.

Re: My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:37 pm
by EricFSX92
Also the entire idea i think is really a marketing scheme. To make it more user friendly off the bat. One its free, two , you dont need a joystick, 3, your not overwhelmed by various aircraft with all the systems, or the vast world to explore.

Re: My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:00 pm
by JBaymore
Additionally, what exactly will keep developers from creating products for it?

The Law.  Read the EULA.

Unless they authorize it...... is is NOT open to reverse engineering and such.

Any products for it are going to come from Microsoft approved vendors.  They have already SAID that.



Re: My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:59 pm
by andy190
There are two other things stopping developers from making aircraft for Flight.

First, it's not a sim it's a game. It's a fun game but not a sim.

Second, all the aircraft are in binary form, DLL files & the like. Microsoft went out of their way to make sure that FSX aircraft weren

Re: My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:17 pm
by ftldave
Microsoft's hiring ad last summer specifically mentioned the Flight SDK being in development. And one thing they do very well is to promote developers to support their products. I bet there's lots more to come for Flight ... just no freeware.

Re: My thoughts on MS Flight

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:41 pm
by Stubbedtoe18
I understand it being a game but it is hard to believe that they are turning their back on those in the flight sim community who have supported them thus far.  We are the people who will be enjoying and exploring this game the most, and regardless of their target demographic it is a poor marketing strategy to have everything be payware.  That will simply turn off too many consumers.

It seems as if they have taken what has the potential to be a great game (or game-sim hybrid) and set it up for failure as much as possible.