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What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:32 pm
by BrandonF
Many were disappointed with how FSX's user interface turned out. Especially with the aircraft selection dialog, which took FOREVER to load. I'm just curious as to what YOU would like to see improved/changed in the main menu. (where you select your flight, change settings, view the learning center, etc)


Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:49 pm
by Fozzer
For me, the biggest disaster, (from what I can remember), was the omission of the drop-down, in-game, Menu option for connecting to any Multiplayer Server of your choice, using the same, simple, straightforward, interface as used on FS 2004.
It was possible to connect to Multiplayer via the drop-down Menu while the Sim was running, instead of having to restart the Sim and return to the Main Menu.

The top-of-the-screen, in-game Menu, in FS 2004, covered everything you ever wanted to do, whilst the Sim was running.

If the same Menu could be included in the new Sim, (maybe with a few improvements?), it would be ideal!

A lot of very useful "things/options" were left out in the change from FS 2004 to FSX!

Paul...G-BPLF...FS 2004...FS Nav... 8-)...!

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:03 pm
by Steve M
How about a little window that would tell you when you have scenery conflicts or more scenery activated than you need for this flight. You would plan your flight before scenery loads and only the flight specific scenery (and aircraft) would load. Might be a quicker load time and could result in better frame rates.

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:44 pm
by BrandonF
[quote]How about a little window that would tell you when you have scenery conflicts or more scenery activated than you need for this flight. You would plan your flight before scenery loads and only the flight specific scenery (and aircraft) would load. Might be a quicker load time and could result in better frame rates.

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:43 pm
by DaveSims
Many were disappointed with how FSX's user interface turned out. Especially with the aircraft selection dialog, which took FOREVER to load. I'm just curious as to what YOU would like to see improved/changed in the main menu. (where you select your flight, change settings, view the learning center, etc)


I have to agree 100%.  This is one of the reasons I have stuck with FS9, the aircraft selection window just doesn't work well.  The programmers did not figure on those of us with hundreds of variations for aircraft/textures.

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:35 pm
by Capt.Propwash
while i do sort of like the "at-a-glance" aircraft selection of FSX, (and it does offer the dropdown menu as well)... Like Davy said, they must have forgotten that some designers offer 20 different paint jobs for 1 aircraft and if you have 20 aircraft with that many paints... well, it takes up a hell of a lot of space and time just to scroll through the list.

I think they should have at least 50 different types of craft to choose from as DEFAULT.. everything from the Wright Flyer to the Space Shuttle.  Some of these could only have 1 paint, others maybe 2-3.    Throw in some Fighter Jets, F14 / 15 / 16 / 18, and 5 Highly detailed carriers for Carrier Ops would be nice too.

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:49 am
by Fr. Bill
Actually, the aircraft selection menu in FSX is quite well done...

...provided that every author remembers to use the two new ui_ entries that is!

ui_typerole="Twin Engine Jet"
ui_createdby="Eaglesoft Development Group"

With the above, I can set the "filters" for either "typerole," "createdby," or both...  ;D

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:57 pm
by DaveSims
Actually, the aircraft selection menu in FSX is quite well done...

...provided that every author remembers to use the two new ui_ entries that is!

ui_typerole="Twin Engine Jet"
ui_createdby="Eaglesoft Development Group"

With the above, I can set the "filters" for either "typerole," "createdby," or both...

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:23 pm
by Travis
What would be really interesting is if you could have an actual hangar-style selection menu.  Where your viewpoint moves around a large "hangar" that houses all the aircraft in your inventory.  Variations of each aircraft (alternate paint schemes, loadouts, etc) could be done at the same position, but if you press the left/right arrows or use the mouse to pull out a hidden selection menu, your viewpoint switches to another aircraft that is housed inside the endless "tunnel" that is your hangar.  Much like the aircraft selection system in some fighter-jock "sim" games for XBox or PS.  Doesn't really add much to the realism or actual functionality, but would be kinda fun and gimmicky. ;)

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:53 pm
by Spindrift
Travis, I don't think I could take exception to a single idea you've had for FLIGHT in these threads! I had thought a hanger style menu would be awesome too, I even thought of the "never ending tunnel" bit. IMO i would love a hanger menu similar to 'Colin McCrae: Dirt 2's '3D trailer' and corral. Where you can even walk around your car between events, and people are milling about with background atmosphere. Also I hope the lighting system ends up much like Dirt's , judging by the webisodes, it's already heading that direction!  8-)  WOOT!

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:33 pm
by usapatriot
[quote]What would be really interesting is if you could have an actual hangar-style selection menu.

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:55 pm
by Spindrift
YES! How about a real walk-around inspection! no pilot worth his peanuts would take off without first completing a walk-around. sometimes i would even simulate this in external view for my ultra realistic flights. would love to be able to manipulate rudder alerions and elevator with mouse and inspect hinges, linkages, fuel etc... oooooooh the possibillities!


Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:13 pm
by patchz
Yes, I too like the hangar idea. But, for a lot of us that hangar would have to be the size of an airport, or maybe two or three or more hangars. Now that I think of it, maybe that is the way to do it. As a hangar gets full,

another is added. And they could be organized by type, GA, Military, etc.

Which brings to mind another question, moot as it may be. I can't help but wonder if MS has someone trolling FS Forums to see what we are expecting or wishing for.

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:14 pm
by BrandonF
Which brings to mind another question, moot as it may be. I can't help but wonder if MS has someone trolling FS Forums to see what we are expecting or wishing for.

We think that MS has someone over at Avsim's forums, as all the topics that were on the December 8th news update were brought up numerous times there and worded the exact same way. I  also emailed the link to this forum to MS a while back, so hopefully they are actually coming here as well.

Re: What We Wish: Improved UI

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:25 pm
by patchz
Which brings to mind another question, moot as it may be. I can't help but wonder if MS has someone trolling FS Forums to see what we are expecting or wishing for.

We think that MS has someone over at Avsim's forums, as all the topics that were on the December 8th news update were brought up numerous times there and worded the exact same way. I