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Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:16 pm
by andy190
Yes Fozzer I also noticed that the ground textures were blurry & unless MS fix it it's going to stay like that. :-/

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:58 pm
by hyperpep111
I haven't tried it yet cause internet speeds are currently slow (and slow as in 100kbps Max) due to fibre optic cable issues. ::)
But what I've read here is preety scary.
Too organized, For [glow=yellow,2,300]Fozzer?![/glow]
Is that really even possible :o?

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:05 pm
by Fozzer
As well as the "Flight" icon on my desktop..

...I've also got FS 2002, CFS 2, FS 2004, and FSX icons on there, as well...

So plenty of flying to choose from...all installed on my C Hard Drive!... [smiley=thumbsup.gif]...! many much fun!... ;D...!

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:22 pm
by expat
Download time was quite a while. Installation was painless. Flew the first two missions then went free flight for

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:09 pm
by Fozzer
Yes Fozzer I also noticed that the ground textures were blurry & unless MS fix it it's going to stay like that. :-/

Just had a another look, regarding the "blurry-ness" of the ground textures at ground level, making it difficult to estimate the height from the ground when landing....
I managed to land my aircraft on the "grass", but it takes a while for the scenery texture to catch up, before the grass appears correctly!
When it does, its OK!
(I suppose I just need a faster processor!)... ;)...!

(But the ground still looks blurry from the air, with very little detail!).

Paul... 8-)....!

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:44 am
by F35LightningII
I love Flight. Period.

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:57 am
by Fozzer
"Flight" is on my Hard Drive now, together with my FS 2002, CFS2, FS 2004, and FSX...

...It doesn't occupy much space, so it might as well stay there... :)...

For when the Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren pop round... [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]...

...Or, ....if I just want something different to play!.. :D....!

Lots of choices!

(I like choices!).... [smiley=thumbsup.gif]...!

Paul... :)...!

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:14 am
by expat
I love Flight. Period.

Ford's  Edsel also has a fan club

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:28 am
by Fozzer
I love Flight. Period.


Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:47 am
by expat
I love Flight. Period.


Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:26 pm
by SamYeager
For some magic reason I managed to get into "Free Flight", and get the Map, maybe because I had successfully completed the first task.... ::)....

Free flight mode is available after completing the first two missions. Yes I think making them compulsory was a stupid idea too. no off-airfield, countryside explorations?.... :'(...!

Definitely not true - I've done this several times.

Another noticeable thing...the ground is very "Blurry" at low level, even at maximum graphics settings...MUCH worse than our FS9/FSX Sims...(which are very good).

:-? Not sure what's causing that although I have heard that running at a lower graphics setting can improve matters. Less load on the GPU maybe?

EDIT: Oops. I didn't realise there was another page of posts.   :-[

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:26 pm
by michaelb15
I love Flight. Period.


Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:09 am
by expat
Here is a thought;
If MS Flight becomes the sim game gamesim simgame program that MS would like it to become, were does that leave SimV and all the other flight sim websites. Think about it, if it was not for people wanting FSX (and FS98 for Fozzer ;D), then what would there be for a website to host, except a link to a MS site that sold MS products. In fact apart from the MS Flight home website there are no other adverts for this program other than all the links that all the websites have put up. How much money has MS saved in advertising thanks to sights such as our who have posted a link directly to the MS download and buy page.........If this was my sight, then I would not put the link up as it just reinforces my belief about M$ and control.


Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:39 am
by Hagar
Here is a thought;
If MS Flight becomes the sim game gamesim simgame program that MS would like it to become, were does that leave SimV and all the other flight sim websites. Think about it, if it was not for people wanting FSX (and FS98 for Fozzer ;D), then what would there be for a website to host, except a link to a MS site that sold MS products. In fact apart from the MS Flight home website there are no other adverts for this program other than all the links that all the websites have put up. How much money has MS saved in advertising thanks to sights such as our who have posted a link directly to the MS download and buy page.........If this was my sight, then I would not put the link up as it just reinforces my belief about M$ and control.


I've looked hard & can't find a link to Flight on the Simviation main page. What the other FS websites do is up to them. I've noticed there seems to be a distinct lack of support on the official website.

I think that MS made a bad mistake in naming it Flight. A search on Google brings up all the old Flight Simulator websites. :D

Re: Love it or leave it

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:37 am
by Jetranger
Personally, I think it will die a slow but quiet death. The gamers will get tired of it as you "cannot kill/shoot" anything and the true simmers will get fed up with having to buy, buy, buy to literally get anywhere. I think it is a huge opportunity missed. So lets all meet back here this time next year and see where it is at, or not as the case may be :-/ :-/


That statement right there is the honest Truth right there , and that is how its going to go down to ~ ! Why they even made a boring game like that with NO Jets, that can fire weapons, or Dog Fight, No Heli's to play James Bond with and shoot who knows what, NO Aircraft Carriers or Subs to play with, and only Hawaii ??? So, like I can't get 10 or 15 of you on here and Fly on up to say,,,,, Alaska in Flight ?? or say maybe - New Zealand ?? Gesshh wonder if you can even get to Maui ?? Lord, 15 - 20 years from now, we all may be looking back on this moment, tho highly doubtful we'll still be in touch with each other ??   Flight Sim could end up like Twister or that yeard game Darts by then,, what we will think of ourselves then for wasting all the time we wasted on this Flying stuff ??  I think, I'll be taking a whole lot of screen shots here shortly of ALL my Aircraft and printing them off on photographic paper to remember what we used to have fun with and archive it somehow in photo books.  I know download them to the internet to some sight somewhere, nope, you can't even trust those sight will even be around 15 - 20 years from now or sell out and then close down, so there just went your photos, put them on a CD/DVD maybe if all that don't change too like the 8-track tape & cassette , plain ol' paper / photo paper will keep for a long time just like my parents photos from the 1930's,, can't trust technology , but I can trust paper, barring a Fire / Flood !!  :-X :-X :-X