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Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:59 pm
by Strategic Retreat
...I just wish people would NOT speak of the things they know nothing about.

Ummm....who's the one writing paragraphs about how "Flight will = disaster" based off of no information?

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Dat

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:12 am
by hyperpep111
Why does almost every single thing on The M$flight topic turn Into an argument between Strategic Retreat and BrandonF :-/.


Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Dat

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:55 am
by Rocket_Bird
We really shouldn't take up misconstrued data from unreleased flight sims and bringing that up to the front for senseless argument and finger pointing.

Neither X-Plane 10 nor Flight  has fully shown their wings yet, and unless your a beta tester or some QA agent working for their developers, none of you have touched the two products yet either. 

When it comes down to it, I think most sensible buyers won't care whether the products are released by Laminar Research or Microsoft.  I know I wouldn't be.  The next generation flight sim will depend on product offering and what kind of goodies are in store to fill our virtual aviation delights and whether or not the developers royally screw up on a design process.  Still, I'm sure each product will have their fair share of followers as it has been. 

Flight simming is more or less just a hobby.  For some it's more, but it's still just a little computer program.  Let's not get too worked up. 

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:11 am
by wifesaysno
I did buy X-Plane 9 this past summer. I have FSX and FS2004 on my laptop and run both a lot. I am an aeronautical engineering student so the idea of easily creating custom planes IN SIM was very appealing so I bought X-Plane. I refuse to even look at the box after 3 flights in it and hours working on the controls. The flight dynamics are simply horrible!!!! According to X-Plane, a fully loaded Cessna 182 can take off at 60kts (with out raising the nose) and instantly roll inverted with a roll rate that would make an Extra jealous. I could do tight turns with 90 degrees of bank easily. So I was doing tight figure 8's over my home town airport at 80kts in a 182! The Eclipse jet also acted very very odd. Oh, and the visuals at the medium setting (for max frame rate but still high visuals) looked like shit, eventhough the weather was clear, there was a weird haze that clouded everything and the lake next to my town (Lake Macatawa) was made into a pond when its actually a fairly big lake! The airport too was not that great, the radio was annoying as hell. Yes it sounded more realistic but it kept repeated itself over and over and over. So basically I will stay away from X-Plane 10 to the point that I will cover my eyes when I see it on the shelves in stores. FSX has plenty of bugs as does FS9, but X-plane has bad UI, bad visuals compared to FS9 at comparable setting and frame rates, horrible flight dynamics, and the cockpits too sucked. This is learned after $20 and several days screwing around with the freaking thing. Thankfully FS9 was there waiting for me since I felt violated after my X-Plane experience and very confused.

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:08 pm
by pete
Why does almost every single thing on The M$flight topic turn Into an argument between Strategic Retreat and BrandonF

I have been through various threads and see no argument of any bad nature.

My god! What are forums for? To ask questions. To find information. To air thoughts - especially for those who take a hobby seriously - and MSFS was built on people taking it seriously enough to get involved and contribute.

There are no flame wars. For those of you who do not like reading negative thoughts or hearing debate - maybe you should ask yourself what kind of country you'd like to be living in. Strikes me as maybe 'fairyland' .....  8-)

Debate, thoughts from all sides, fears discussed -- FCOL that's what forums are for!  :)

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:46 pm
by hyperpep111
Why does almost every single thing on The M$flight topic turn Into an argument between Strategic Retreat and BrandonF

I have been through various threads and see no argument of any bad nature.

My god! What are forums for? To ask questions. To find information. To air thoughts - especially for those who take a hobby seriously - and MSFS was built on people taking it seriously enough to get involved and contribute.

There are no flame wars. For those of you who do not like reading negative thoughts or hearing debate - maybe you should ask yourself what kind of country you'd like to be living in. Strikes me as maybe 'fairyland' .....

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:20 am
by CaptinFred
I really don't think X-Plane poses a threat to Flight at all. The audience that will want Flight is SO MUCH bigger than those that have even heard of X-Plane.

I agree there are many people who havent heard of X-plane although people have it on Iphones/Ipods but not on computer

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:37 pm
by pirate21213
I really don't think X-Plane poses a threat to Flight at all. The audience that will want Flight is SO MUCH bigger than those that have even heard of X-Plane.

Whats X-plane again?  [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] No I'm just kidding.

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:02 am
by jon157uk
What about ' ProFlight Simulator ' ?
Has anyone bought it or tried it out? How does it stand up agianst other flight sims? It looks to be a good buy at

Re: The Pressure is Now On Microsoft for a Release Date!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:26 am
by JBaymore
[quote]What about ' ProFlight Simulator ' ?
Has anyone bought it or tried it out? How does it stand up agianst other flight sims? It looks to be a good buy at