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Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:07 pm
by Boikat
they now have a general e-mail address posted for suggestions, I already sent a suggestion but would appreciate you all to second my thought.

military AI (all able to include)
RARE AI that you have to be lucky to come across (ex: AN-225, snowbirds, thunderbirds, lancaster and other vintage aircraft, red arrows, avro vulcan, etc.)

I saw a "Feedback" e-mail link, but nothing that readily translates to "Suggestions".

But, other than that:

Patchz:  "Silverlight" is just a media player, and painless.  I did un-check the "automatic update" option during the install since they have a habit od popping up when you're in the middle of something else.  Nothing is more annoying than having an "update nag" minimize or otherwise interupt something else, like shooting a carrier landing.

After reading through the entire thread, I have to go with Fr. Bill's post, and just keep a level head, and wait and see. The folks at MS are not complete idiots (Window Millenium aside), so I'm optimistic, even to the point that I'm not too concerned about having to have to worry about getting a new, high end computer.

I do have reservations about the "unknowns", such as how they plan on handling add-ons.  Mention was made along the lines of add-on being submitted to MS, and they would add them into their MSFlight database, if they approve of the add-on.  But, after thinking about it, why?  The only aircraft they would really have to carry on their servers are AI.  To be sure, they will likely have some MSFlight aircraft (I'm pretty sure you'll have to either buy the software at the local Wally World, Best Buy, or other software outlet) or buy the DL directly from MS, and have native MSFlight aircraft, but they will most likely still be stored on your PC. 

I think, basically, you're going to be flying in the virtual world that MS Live will provide.  You're just "projected" into that world, either solo, or "groups" (just you and a couple of chums, knocking around the sky), or "Open" (With every Tom, Dick and Harry that's also running in an "Open" mode)

Much of the add-on discussion has been mostly about aircraft, which, if stored on your local drive, is no problem, but what about *scenery*?  That could get sticky.

At any rate, when MSFlight is released (Is it mid 2011?), that still does not mean nails in the coffin of FS9, FSX, or any earlier versions that people still fly.  Besides, if MSFlight Flops, then MS may do a re-think, and release an FSXI in a couple of years. :P

I'm just musing since I work mids, and should be in bed right now.  Sounds like a damn good idea! :)

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:47 pm
by f-35simpilot
just please e-mail them with my idea... l would love to fly with a formation of f-15s

thanks in advance

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:21 pm
by Keep It Simple
I could have sworn that someone said it was too early to have a dedicated "Flight'  forum until at least a beta  ;)

I'm glad it's  been implmented.  [smiley=thumbup.gif]
Thanks. :)

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:41 pm
by BrandonF
Yeah, we need the forum to discuss it, even though it's not in beta yet.

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:03 pm
by DaveSims
[quote]I could have sworn that someone said it was too early to have a dedicated "Flight'

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:10 pm
by BrandonF
[quote][quote]I could have sworn that someone said it was too early to have a dedicated "Flight'

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:34 am
by TacitBlue
I don't mean to get drawn into any debate, but just to put my two cents in: I think it would be a big mistake if this sim is an online-only kind of thing. I'm not saying that just because I'm stuck with a slow connection either, believe me I would change it if I could.

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:07 am
by patchz
I don't mean to get drawn into any debate, but just to put my two cents in: I think it would be a big mistake if this sim is an online-only kind of thing. I'm not saying that just because I'm stuck with a slow connection either, believe me I would change it if I could.


Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:46 am
by Rocket_Bird
I don't mean to get drawn into any debate, but just to put my two cents in: I think it would be a big mistake if this sim is an online-only kind of thing. I'm not saying that just because I'm stuck with a slow connection either, believe me I would change it if I could.



Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:56 am
by alrot
If it comes Please beautiful and smarter people on the earth Please, protect designer's work! (if there will be a future for FS design)

Gmax---->Mdl---->3ds---->gmax again NO!


Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:33 am
by Boikat
If I understood correctly, they are going to incorporate Maya as their 3D modeling application.  How that impacts GMax or other 3D modeled add-ons is beyond me.  I think that's also one of the other questions that is hanging in the wind:  Will current (FS9 and FSX) add-ons be usable in MS Flight?

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:41 am
by alrot
[quote]If I understood correctly, they are going to incorporate Maya as their 3D modeling application.

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:45 am
by Keep It Simple
The online aspect (to run Flight) is most lkely only for mutiplayer that wiil be a big aspect of it.

Also, it goes withou saying that there will be an anti pirating aspect of Flight that will involve being connected to the net at least periodically.

I seriously doubt that you will need to be connected to the net

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:11 pm
by alrot
Yeah ,I?m agree but these forum are being watch by them , look at it this

From every 10 airplanes available as a freeware 9 and a half are made using FS9-SDK because as I said FSX-SDK its vulnerable , and It did have many problems .

  If they DEAR to Jump in a new way of 3d model ,its a suicide ,or at least It will be more a game than a simulator .

I'm still surprise by the amount of realism hidden inside FSX ,there so much realism that this game came before were video card  and CPU ,were able to run this game, TWO SPs were release the same year of its release a clear sign that something didn't go well, and I didn't never bought that ACES team were fired just economical adjustment,they were fire because that program have too many issues ..

is today when some of us can see what is the FSX potential, because the hardware able to run this game just began to came out last year

   the same goes with VISTA, They haven't learn the lesson?

I hope this is just panic and lets wait and see ,but due to my personal experience in MSFS and in the Whole MS (Millenium/VISTA/ETC)
I don't see a nice future in this,indeed they give a surprises but not the kind the ones it makes you smile      

Re: MS Announces New Flight!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:31 pm
by Boikat
[quote][quote]If I understood correctly, they are going to incorporate Maya as their 3D modeling application.