A Tech Question Re O&O... I have v8.6 installed.
After installing some very large files, I ran SPACE defrag agin, I then thought I'd try the NAME defrag again.
Even after 24hrs of being left to run, it will only get to 55%.
Any ideas please?
Then there is something causing the defrag to loop .. either a non-moveable or readable file or area.. or an error on the drive
Usually when this is seen its time to run a FULL DISK CHECK to see if there are serious errors on the disk.
There are 2 levels of this check.. one during Windows boot and another performed from a C prompt after running the recovery console using the WindowsXP CD to boot the system
You can try the 1st method and see if it clears..
Go to MY COMPUTER - Right click your C drive, select PROPERTIES, then TOOLS TAB. On ERROR CHECKING, click CHECK NOW. In the box that appears place a check in "Automatically Fix File System Errors" AND
"Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors". Click START.
A box will appear telling you the disk check cannot be performed.... click YES to have it performed at boot.
Reboot the computer. The disk check will run automatically while booting. Don’t touch anything and let it finish. Once done the system should automatically reboot back into Windows.
That full check can take hours
as for belarc .. I have not used that old tool in years.