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Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:54 am
by Daube
Try first to uninstall/reinstall the OrbX libraries as I told you. ;)

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:05 am
by yancovitch
hope you won't mind giving me a more detailed advice on how to do this so i don't screw it up
...i got a terribly impulsive, aggressive finger :D

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:10 pm
by yancovitch
darn it i wish i had more time to many posts......i'm getting it working better ...deleted the scenery cfg in program data, and it rebuilt ......and scenery is back in scenery libraries....
and i don't know how to re-install scenery libraries or update.....says it's updated, and there's no option to uninstall or re-install..........thanks for your patience....learning...painfully...but learning :)

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:16 pm
by yancovitch the end i was referring to the orbx scenery libraries......

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:47 pm
by Daube

In the meanwhile I have been trying to find an answer to your simple question: how to force a "reinstall" of the OrbX libraries.
And unfortunately, this is much more difficult that I thought.
In fact, in the FTX Central v3, the options to uninstall the libraries is greyed out, I don't know why :think:
I'll try to take a look directly in the FTX support forums.

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:25 pm
by yancovitch
yep...i noticed that....interesting.....but i'm so happy that i got things working out quite well so far thank god! and those who helped......had to re-download cyvr and van +, and they seem to be working fine......
ha...the thing that got me screwed up in the first place, was that i couldn't see the virtual cockpit in virtavia's c-17...shows in the boxed version, but not in steam.....even the fellow in virtavia couldn't understand......i thought to rebuild the fsx cfg, to see if that would help, but i removed fsx folder instead.....that finger again :x .....replacing it corrupted things....
feeling relieved now..... so the next thing i'll be working on is how to manifest the cockpit....and.....find the proper order of orbx sceneries etc.....but i'm not in a to retrain my index finger...maybe put a splint on it or whatever... :D cheers..

Re: repair

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:22 am
by garymbuska
One thing I can tell you is when you first download and install FSX steam and run it for the first time it will create the FSXSTEAM cfg file as well as the Scenery cfg file
There are two min folders one called ADD-ON-Scenery and the other SCENERY.
any scenery you add to the scenery folder will be automatically be detected BY FSX Steam the next time you run it you will not have to activate it. Anything you put in the ADD-ON-SCENERY folder will have to be activated when you start up FSX Steam AS long as you put new files is the Scenery folder of the ADD-ON-Scenery Folder you will not have to activate it but if you create a new folder within the ADD-ON-SCENERY Folder you will have to activate it.
While you have FSX Steam open and you look at the scenery library you will notice that each section has its own number starting with 01 and going down in sequence. One nasty Habit that FSX Steam has is when you add any new scenery it will be assigned number 01 in the library but will be on the very end of the scenery.cfg file. What is important here is the order in which the scenery is placed. In most cases there are no problems but if you decide to download a new scenery for an existing default scenery than you have to be careful as to how they are placed as if you get it wrong you can have strange things happen like planes showing up in the middle of a Hanger or buried in another building someplace.
You always want to make sure the newer file gets displayed last 8-)
The other thing you have to be sure of is to make sure that the numbers stay in order from 01 to what ever with no jumps in between so you do not want to go from number 5 to number 8 followed by number 7 this will cause a problem and might even crash FSX Steam 8-)

Re: repair

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:59 pm
by yancovitch
WOW...that's a mouthful...great information!.....thought i'd show you my scenery library to see if i've got anything out of place....focusing mainly around pnw at the moment......thanks so much......i've been with fs almost from the beginning, but learned almost nothing haha....but now that i'm retired, i gotta start from fozzer....taking a long time to pee :D

Re: repair

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:40 am
by garymbuska
What I suggest you do is to go to airports in any of the add on scenery you have created and just look around to see if you see anything strange or out of place you can always use slew by pressing the Y key and using either your joystick or the arrow keys to move your plane around . You also might want to check runway numbers and Ils frequencies to see if they are correct. You can use the following link to look up any airport in north America
this site is an official FAA site and will have the latest info on any airport. This was how i found the problem from a download for KJAX the runway numbers that ATC was using were incorrect because they forgot to change the ILS information when they made the airport.
there are similar sites for other countries
If all looks okay than you have it correct if not you will have to figure out which one to move down a level or better yet to put at the end of the list that way you know it is the last thing displayed.
That is what I do.

Re: repair

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:07 pm
by Shadowcaster
That looks mostly OK, if it were me I would move the Vector scenery to directly below the OLC Base and move the JP Object Lib and FTXAA_ORBXLIBS to the top. I like to keep the ORBX stuff together, so that it's easy to switch off. I usually group other areas like GenX photo scenery for the UK or Megascenery Earth Italy together so , once again, it's easy to switch off. Other than that if it all displays properly your good to go, as always though, what works for one may not necessarily work for others.


Re: repair

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:15 pm
by yancovitch
wow...thanks so very much for all that....looks like i'm starting to learn something for change....cheers, and

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:00 pm
by yancovitch
but but keeps going back to default....even when i pressed save............hmmmmm.....Image

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:37 pm
by yancovitch
was using the sceneryconfig editor to move....maybe i have to move them in game?......slow frustrating ...the short editing time ....

Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:36 pm
by Shadowcaster
That's strange, the only time I had trouble was forgetting to run the program as administrator. To do that right click on the programs .exe file or desktop shortcut and from the box that appears select Compatibility and tick the box that say Run this program as administrator hopefully that may do the trick.


Re: repair

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 6:29 pm
by yancovitch
thanks...will check it