The fix I suggested on Dec 28, 2024 is more of a work around than a real solution to the problem.
Indeed if we compare the contents of MFDG3__Orig.xml, inside the MFDG folder, with MFDG3.xml inside Alpha_Gripen.cab cabinet file we'll find out
they are exactly the same.
So writing in the panel.cfg file:
gauge02=MFDG!MFDG3__Orig, 668,78,296,362
gauge02=Alpha_Gripen!MFDG3, 668,78,296,362
gives us exactly the same net result.
But this the original Alpha/Virtavia gauge so we don't get any extra features, and this misses the whole point of Flanker256's post.
In fact the right hand side multifunction gauge contains an extra page whose functionality is executed by the code in MFDG3.xml file.
This extra screen is displayed when we press the 2nd. from top right hand side button in the mentioned gauge:

Some of the fields simply display the values of certain simulation variables while others are clickable and change the simulator's behaviour like
Sim Rate, DME Sound, Park Brake and so forth.
Pressing the button again brings us back to the previous screen.
It appears that FSX doesn't like the original syntax of MFDG3.xml so it keeps closing when we try to load the aircraft.
I changed the syntax of MFDG3.xml and packed it in a cabinet file, MFDG.cab, which I published on January the 18th.
The gauge line in the panel.cfg has to be restored to its original form:
gauge02=MFDG!MFDG3, 668,78,296,362
I checked the solution in both FSXA and P3D v5.3 and both behave the same. So far there have been 90 downloads
and no complaints so I guess the fix is correct.
The link to the fix can be found in the original Flanker256 post.