Runtime Error?

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Runtime Error?

Postby planespotter » Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:36 pm


I'm not sure what I installed to start getting this. All of a sudden I get shut down. I thought it might be a recent panel or AI package I installed but after removing the most recent it's still happening.

Win XP PRO is my OS, I couldn't find anything on the MS help website for FS9  errors, only other software.

Is there a fix to this "Besides" reinstalling  :(
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Re: Runtime Error?

Postby dave3cu » Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:30 pm

Hi ps,

Read your post this am, but held off on response hoping someone would have a direct answer for you. Hopefully you have resolved the problem by now. If not.......

C Run-Time Error R6025
pure virtual function call
No object has been instantiated to handle the pure virtual function call. This error is caused by calling a virtual function in an abstract base class through a pointer that is created by a cast to the type of the derived class, but is actually a pointer to the base class. This can occur when casting from a void* to a pointer to a class when the void* was created during the construction of the base class.

There ya go, problem solved.... ;) ???Right! No clue?, me either. Maybe some C savy member out there could translate.

As you stated, this problem is addressed in the MS knowledge base and elsewhere, but nothing specific to FS9.

No expert here, but my best guess is that one of your pre-error add-ons included a module (*.dll or script) that is in error or incompatible with fs9.

I cannot give you a definitive solution, but if we can hook up I would be happy to walk you thru steps I would take if the problem were on my computer. (preferably in PM or e-mail so if I screw-up, it's just you and me :) )

Watching the thread.


P.S: Oh gheeze, just noticed the 5 stars....... :o
Last edited by dave3cu on Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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