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air file and ai !!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:51 am
by matt_ttuk
Hi all

Just started replacing the standard ai traffic with real ai, it looks so much better however i saw that a couple of the ai made very iffy landings. Some landed and went right off the runway with the with thier wheel in the air!!!

I have heard that some air files cannot be flown by ai and tried to copy a standard air file off a similar plane but it did not work. So do what do i need to do to solve this problem. Do i need a air file editor so i can de-compile and edit the file for the particular plane or what?


Re: air file and ai !!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:09 pm
I have used aircraft made for ai with no problems.but for best results add real world textures to the default aircraft and use those to fill in the slack at airprots with not much traffic.its just a trial and error thing with non ai aircraft add one in at a time and test it.but with so many aircraft out there that are made for ai use it just a hasel to try any thing eles.but i am useing mike stones gmax Piper Malibu Meridian in ai with good results.just stick with gmax made aircraft they make the best ai.but you cant just swap airfiles you have to add the aircraft cfg file as well then you run into problems with contact points and light placements on the aircraft and its not as simple as just useing ai made aircraft.and i dont recomend swaping air files unless you know how to rebuild the aircraft cfg file.and stay away from aircraft the uses lots of textures cause one of those typs can drop your FPS down to 2 FPS thats another big reason to go with ai made aircraft.

Re: air file and ai !!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:54 pm
Heres a good site that has ai aircraft.