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Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:42 am
by akeagle24
hey everyone,

im having a problem with the sliders for any option i try to change, going back to their default once i leave a particular menu.  this basically happens with any menu option that has a slider.
should i be able to move the slider by just clicking on it and moving it left or right? because all it lets me do is click on it and then use the mousewheel to go left or right. but even when i do that, if i were to exit and re-enter that menu, the sliders would go back to their default.
anyone know what may be causing the sliders to go back to their default setting?  thanks.

i have an Athlon Barton 2500+(not overclocked), 1 gig of ram, all in wonder 9800 Pro  video card.

Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:28 am
Thats a new one on me.has someone hacked into your computer i have heard this has been happening can go to windows news group and read all about it.but let me get this straight are you talking sim slider settings or video card or should be able to click where you want the slider setting and it should go there and stay where you put it.unless theres some thing i dont know about.what typ of mouse are you useing?.and do you have the newest driver for that video card?.and what motherboard are you useing.theres a few starter question that may help get to the bottom of this problem.

Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 4:40 pm
by akeagle24
yeah,  whenever i try to change a slider in the sim wont let me click on the slider and move it.  i can only click on the slider and then move it using the mousewheel.  but i notice that when i do move that slider with the mousewheel, some sliders that have a percent reading over them, dont change at all, they stay at 0%. so, im able to figure out that once i leave that particular menu, it will go back to its default.

my mouse is a Microsoft optical mouse(wired) motherboard is an Asus A7N8X Deluxe....i just updated my video card drivers to catalyst 4.2(previously was a 3.4),  but that didnt solve the problem.
i think i will go uninstall FS9, and reinstall it...and see if that helps.  btw, FS9 runs very nicely on my just bugs me that im unable to change any of the sliders.

Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:57 pm
Some thing i thought of the asus mother boards have the easy update maybe that you need to do that update the bios.get the ASUSUpdate program from the asus web site and install it.and it will download the newest version and update the bios for you then you just reboot when its done.i did mine about a week ago.its really simple with the asus motherboards.allso there was a update driver to the agp slot on my might want to check for updates for your motherboard.i have the A7V8X-X motherboard.

Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:04 pm
by Hagar
The only reason I can think of is that your fs9.cfg file properties have somehow been changed to Read-only. You can check this out by right-clicking on fs9.cfg & selecting Properties. If the Read-only box is checked, uncheck it.

Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:09 pm
by akeagle24
well, i just uninstalled FS9  and installed FS2002 and was able to move sliders, leave the menu, and come back to see my changes were still there.  i then reinstalled FS9, but the sliders still stay at their default when i leave and come back.
the only fs9 file i saw was a 'application' type of file. i checked it and 'read only' wasnt checked. i did see a fs2000.cfg file, its 'read only' option too was unchecked.  but i did not see a fs9.cfg file.
i'll look into updating the bios/agp slot. i just dont want to do it since i havent noticed any slider/menu  problems in my other games.

Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:21 pm
by crj700
WinXP? While uninstalling FS9, did you delete the FS9.cfg file?   For the location of the file, read this...;action=display;num=1075346798

If you did not remove it, I "think" that the file would have been left unchanged at reinstallation...

I too had to reinstall everything... Different problem, though.


Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:42 pm
by akeagle24
i apologize everyone. ive figured it out. lots of 'lessons learned' for me.  first of all...check with the microsoft knowledge base.  i entered 'flight simulator 2004 sliders' and one of the articles that came up discussed a program called 'Windows Blinds' (a program that im currently using), its a program that can let you change the appearance and the controls of programs in Windows.
the article said that using windows blinds and then running fs9 can cause some of its slider options to be unchangable. the fix is to go into windowblind's  options and make it so that fs9 isnt changed.  and guess what....i can now change the sliders.
thanks for everyone's input. i appreciate it.
here's the article to check out if you have extra time...its real short: ... -us;836185

Re: Sliders keep going back to default

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:22 pm
Good to hear you got it working right.since i dont use the Windows Blinds program i would never have guessed that one to be the cause.but i know though all the post i have read thats a first time hearing sliders wouldnt work.