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Missing Guages

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:16 pm
by dbell
Once in a while when I download and install an aircraft and the accompanying gauges, when I activate the new aircraft the gauges are missing from the panel (both 2D and virtual).

Re: Missing Guages

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:19 pm
by Scottler
Make sure you're unzipping the gauges, and also make sure none of the gauges are aliased to an aircraft which you don't have.  This probably isn't the case with FS9, however if you're doing this in 2k2 Standard, it's quite easy.  Oftentimes the gauges are aliased to a 2k2 Pro plane.

Re: Missing Guages

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:08 pm
by dbell
Thanks for the response.  I do unzip the guages and place them in the FS9 Guage Folder.  As for the aliasing issue, I'm not sure I know how to tell if it is a factor.  The problem of the guages just being blank holes in the panel also happened to me once in FS2002 and I found the solution, but my memory fails me as to what it was.