Hello (please read thoroughly),
If there's anyone interested in making repaints for freeware in FSX, please help me;
I originally asked on Rikoooo and a repaint has been done. However, the repaint is incorrect as the "QATAR" lettering on the fuselage is the wrong size
I had to copy, paste and replace lots of files, and now it has a semi-working 777 cockpit (it originally had a 737 cockpit)
Therefore, if it is possible, please do a repaint for Qatar Airways A7-BAX's livery (B777-300ER) with GE90-115B engines and working 777 VC (POSKY VC) for Project Opensky's (POSKY) B777-300ER in FSX. Attached links to some photos of plane models, and to where the POSKY 777 can be downloaded. Also, please make it flyable (not AI)
POSKY 777: https://simviation.com/1/search?submit= ... ategoryId=
Link to photos of A7-BAX plane model, please download the entire folder: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah3nSZRSN2QvtCGD1uI ... f?e=fVJVbi
(Inside the folder "texture.A7-BAX", you will find the incorrect repaint and the cfg file. Please scroll down to find the fuselage texture files)
(Inside the folder "texture.Qatar" you will find a regular Qatar 777-300ER livery with cfg file, on which you can paint the livery)
Link to POSKY 777-300ER painkit (with GE90-115B engines), which you may need:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vrQpWs ... bKO-A/view
Thanks for your help (in advance)!