My Default scenry is still there

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My Default scenry is still there

Postby McLovin » Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:31 pm

Hi I am building Ellington Field in Houston, Texas. I have all of my runways and taxi ways W/ the Control tower and lights, but when I go and put it in the scenery library, it shows both the default buildings, taxi ways, lights, towers, wind socks, and thats about it. I am also do Clover field in Houston, Texas and its, doing the same thing. Im affrade that Im doing something wrong in FSSC. I have FS2002Pro. and FSSC the latest version.
any help is appresiated!

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Re: My Default scenry is still there

Postby RollerBall » Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:26 pm

Hiya Brett

Have you included an exclude poly in your scenery? If you haven't the default scenery is bound still to be there


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