Scenery timing

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Scenery timing

Postby jrbirdman » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:29 am

If I wanted a scenery "appear" on a certain date and time but not be there before such time, how would I do it? What I'm attempting to do is make the new 1 WTC appear as it has been completed but I don't want it to be there before it was done for accuracy. I realize this may be controversial to some but I lost a friend that day and ALMOST my aunt as well (the only time I've been thankful for influenza) and I'd like to honor him with rebuilding per say as I feel he would appreciate the gesture. Please understand I am doing this for a fallen friend and personal hero and NOT to start a flame war. Thank you and kindest regards to you all, Jeremy
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Re: Scenery timing

Postby pegger » Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:53 am

I am aware of methods to make the visibility of scenery dependent upon seasons, time of day, and specific dates. The method involves creating different textures for the scenery object, and setting the season/time of day/etc. in the ini file when running resample to compile the textures. I've done this to create seasonal and day/night ground textures for airports.

Unfortunately, I do not think that the method would be suitable for setting the dependency upon a specific date, with the object being not visible before the date, and visible on or after.

The easiest solution I can think of is to create a stand alone scenery BGL, and add it as a library which can be turned on or off easily with your preference of what era you choose to simulate.
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Re: Scenery timing

Postby jrbirdman » Wed Aug 08, 2018 2:20 pm

Thank you so much for your response. I believe that is exactly the right method as it seems the most plausible indeed. The question is....... how do I do that?
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Re: Scenery timing

Postby christopherbritton » Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:43 pm

What sim? For FSX/P3D, look into SODE. I this could be achieved using multiple conditional visibility variables. ... visibility ... conditions
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Re: Scenery timing

Postby jrbirdman » Sat Aug 11, 2018 4:43 am

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Re: Scenery timing

Postby christopherbritton » Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:06 am

Ah. Yea. I have no clue then. I don't even know if something like that would be possible in FS9. I have never developed for that specific platform.
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