The DHC-2 Beaver

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The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby Flying Trucker » Fri May 19, 2017 7:00 pm

Evening all...

I was looking at the Native to Microsoft FSX Beaver...Kenmore...Green One and a White One I believe
Noticed that there were three white things near and on the bottom gauges....funny...never noticed that before

I wanted to try and connect the GPS NAV Switch to use the Autopilot
I used Flight Sim Panel Studio and got the Switch in place
The Switch shows in Panel Cfg BUT not in aircraft

I tried adding one to my Pay Ware aerosoft DHC-2 Beavers and that did not work either

I like to do long low cross countries and fly over as many seaplane bases I would be nice to have a GPS that can connect to the Autopilot.

I also tried to change the GPS unit in the aerosoft Beaver to the Garmin GPS 500 which is in the Microsoft FSX go there either.

Any help would be most appreciated.
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby D28-HB » Sat May 20, 2017 8:16 am

make following entry in window00 main panel gauge=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch, 157,440,18,18
gauge28=Cessna!Nav_GPS_Annunciator, 175,440, 18, 18

it is difficult to alter vc panel as it is programmed in model.
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby D28-HB » Sun May 21, 2017 6:35 am

gauge27=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch, 157,440,18,18
gauge28=Cessna!Nav_GPS_Annunciator, 175,440, 18, 18
sorry for miss print.
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby Flying Trucker » Sun May 21, 2017 8:21 am

D28-HB Thanks...will have a go at it later...

Much appreciated
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby Flying Trucker » Tue May 23, 2017 5:45 am

Good morning D28-HB

Well am back to square one.

When I put the added lines in and used Flight Sim Panel Studio to install the gauges in the Microsoft FSX Default DHC-2 Beaver which there are 3 this happened:

-Heading Hold and Nav Hold on Autopilot got all screwed up

-Aerosoft Payware DHC-2 Beaver, and I checked most of the simulated installed aircraft, the airframe was only partially there and no cockpit on any of them

Not sure what happened but I tried twice.

Will leave it the way it is for now and much Thanks for your help.

Summer is almost upon us and it is almost time to go play with the Real Toys... :dance: :violin: :whistle: :clap:
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby D28-HB » Tue May 23, 2017 4:35 pm

there is no need to install any gauges, the entry I gave you would draw the default Cessna C-172 gauges from your gauge folder. This combination of gauges can be found in many models. Just add the lines to main window conf.
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby Flying Trucker » Tue May 23, 2017 5:02 pm

Ok D28-HB ...shall have another go at it...

Wish me luck... <<q
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby Flying Trucker » Tue May 23, 2017 6:11 pm

Ok D28-HB

That worked for the Microsoft FSX Deluxe Default DHC-2 Beaver of which there are three floatplane versions.
Gauges show up in Main Panel no problem but not IFR Panel...that I can live with.

Now tried the same thing in the Pay Ware Aerosoft DHC-2 Beavers which do show now.

However the Gauge to switch from NAV to GPS does not show up
I added the lines same as I did for the Default Beaver

Wonder if anyone has done a DHC-2 Beaver in all models and with an IFR package... :?:

Again thanks for your help D28-HB...much appreciated.... <<q
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby D28-HB » Wed May 24, 2017 4:25 am

OK, if you are getting a partial show of gauges, its because the location codes are different in the payware vs. default. I don't have the aerosoft Beaver so can't do any experiment for you, however your can remove any two icons in the main or vc panal and replace the gauge discription with the default ones, do not change the location data ex. 190, 190, 190,190. I usually remove or replace atc and map icons (minimal use)
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Re: The DHC-2 Beaver

Postby Flying Trucker » Wed May 24, 2017 6:09 am

Thanks D28-HB

Your assistance is most appreciated... ;)
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
Posts: 14370
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