Modification of the KPWT/Bremerton Airport package

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Modification of the KPWT/Bremerton Airport package

Postby TryHinkel » Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:30 am

Sorry for the extra post, but it arises out of the former one I put up. The reason I'd tried to get RWY12 Scenery Placer was to modify the KPWT (Bremerton) scenery package here: I'd modified and hyperaccuracized the airport layout with AFCAD (plus Google Earth and AirNav) because since the scenery pack's debut, Bremerton's runway changed: the runway is still 6,000 feet, but (a) the former Runway 20 (no longer 1/19, BTW) displaced threshold of 1,000 feet is now an overrun area/"blast pad", thus (b) 1,000 feet of runway was added to the south end, and as a result (c) the scenery's fence cuts into the new taxiways (A and H) leading to that extension (The #1 reason)...oh, and (d) the extreme north taxiway between Taxiway B and the very north end is now closed.

Since I couldn't modify the fencing by reposition, the offending section was removed from KPWT's scenery folder. The scenery BGL file which was removed to eliminate that section of fence was a BGL called KPWTf3 and removing it made the airport's now-longer runway accessible at the Belfair (south) end...

Well, not quite. The fence was gone, sure, but there were trees on the newly-liberated section of A and Taxiway H. A BGL Exclude was made to get rid of ' the updated scenery is usable.

The original scenery package is excellent, because the buildings and other facilities that are part of it are as accurate as you can get. I know this because I lived in Bremerton/Port Orchard from April, 2015 to June, 2016 and spent a lot of time at the airport, meeting my dad and his 172 friend there whenever they showed up...and partaking in their restaurant's renowned fish & chips. If you're ever there and want good fish & chips, theirs is second-to-none.

If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to send a BGL file to remove the trees...and, if you'd like, my AFCAD BGL for the revised Bremerton Airport layout (includes properly-relocated localizer and removes the Tower frequency, as there is no control tower there anymore) and a refueling hot-spot (I'm adding that now, will be ready by tomorrow). In fact, it can be bundled and uploaded here, if there's no objection from the admins. I tried to contact Mark Smith and Company, but their site is gone and I can't find any e-mails on them, it's about impossible to reach them. Anyway, again, thanks!
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Re: Modification of the KPWT/Bremerton Airport package

Postby TryHinkel » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:07 am

The Update package for KPWT is now ready for upload. If any moderators are reading, is it allowable to upload it into the Simviation database? I could not locate Mr. Mark Smith and his site no longer exists, so this would be listed as an unofficial upgrade for his original Bremerton Airport package. Thanks!
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Re: Modification of the KPWT/Bremerton Airport package

Postby TryHinkel » Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:15 am

Just uploaded the Unofficial Update. If it's denied or removed, I understand.
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