FSSC, Airport 2.*, CfgEdit, etc. Get to grips with designing Scenery & Panels here!


Postby fm3 » Mon Mar 31, 2003 9:33 pm

Does anyone use Dynamic Object Designer? The help file not much help; it more on the order of a frustration file. Trying to configure the program with the unhelpful info provided is not truly possible. I won't bore anyone with the gory details but the thing is full of error messages, which I believe could be avoided if things were made more clear.

My goal is to create some objects and have them move in FS2002. I thought Dynamic Object Designer would let me move an object...I'll gladly consider any other options ( this goes for creating scenery objects, which I have yet to try, or animatinf them...which I thought I'd learn how to do with DOD v3).

I'm totally new to this scenery design thing so perhaps I'm making terribly elementary mistakes. However, I figured out many things on my own through help files, etc., and it seems as if there must be a better way.

Thanks for any help one may offer!
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Re: DOD V3

Postby Hagar » Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:17 am

As I mentioned in your other thread I've never messed with dynamic scenery. It always looked complicated to me & beyond my capabilities. If you're new to this may I suggest you download Airport & FS Scenery Creator & learn the basics of scenery design. Find out how to add static API macros to an existing airport or area. Then you might understand the terminology used in the various tutes.

I'm no scenery designer but do like to know how these utilities work so I can help other more talented people get started. I might check out DOD later to see if I can understand it.
Last edited by Hagar on Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: DOD V3

Postby fm3 » Tue Apr 01, 2003 6:36 pm

Thanks  ;D

I really appreciate all the help available here in the forums! Hopefully my scenery ignorance will not sicken potential respondents.

Several areas of DOD v3 seem rather opaque, so to speak. For example, one item in preferences/setup asks for path to BGLs; which ones? In main FS scenery folder? In DOD folder? Others?

I am curious to see what a more experienced person can make of it.
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Re: DOD V3

Postby Hagar » Wed Apr 02, 2003 6:01 am

Hi fm3. I downloaded DOD. From what I can make out it was originally intended for FS98, specifically to add dynamic airport traffic although the principles could be used for other purposes. It was later updated in accordance with the FS2000 Scenery SDK. Some FS2000 functions will work in FS2002 but this is not always the case. It seems the only practical way to do it would be to create the scenery in FS2000 before transferring it to FS2002. The dynamic airport traffic for which it was intended would be made redundant by the introduction of AI traffic in FS2k2 & TTools/AFCAD.

I think what you wish to do would be very ambitious for a beginner. I had a punt round & the best utility I can find developed specifically for creating FS2002 dynamic scenery macros is BusyObjects.
It comes complete with a comprehensive tute based on creating/animating the object in Gmax before importing it to Airport or FSSC. This would involve a good basic knowledge of 3d modelling/animation in Gmax & obviously some scenery design experience.

I never did figure out Gmax or I would have tried it myself. Hope my comments are some help anyway.  ;)

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Re: DOD V3

Postby fm3 » Wed Apr 02, 2003 6:11 pm

Thanks Hagar! All these bits of info help to fill in the gaps and gives me a better idea of just how to go about things.
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