Just a simple question

FSSC, Airport 2.*, CfgEdit, etc. Get to grips with designing Scenery & Panels here!

Just a simple question

Postby asnamara » Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:48 am

I've just started with scenery designing, just a simple question: when i create an airport, why doesn't it overwrite the default airport? both airports are overlayed, how do i prevent that? thatnks for the help :)

please excuse my ignorance ::)
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Re: Just a simple question

Postby RollerBall » Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:16 am

Hiya as..

It's very simple. You have to exclude the original scenery otherwise it stays there. Check out your prog (Airport?? FSSC??) - help section will tell you about exclude polygons.

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