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SE 161 Languedoc

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:31 pm
by multiprops
A texture just published by Lazarus just draw my attention to the Languedoc by Mr. Jens Kristensen and I LIKE IT!!!(the SE161 strikes me as it looks like a cross-breed between the FW 200 and a later aircraft, the Breda Zapata but of course it is not).

Thanks to Mr Kristensen for this work, I like everything in it.  :)

Re: SE 161 Languedoc

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:46 pm
by andy190
Haven't installed it yet, but it's by Jens Kristensen so it must be great. :)

Re: SE 161 Languedoc

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:54 pm
by multiprops
Haven't installed it yet, but it's by Jens Kristensen so it must be great. :)

I just installed a couple hours ago, and it looks great, Andy. I even like the 2D panel (I'm a bit "choosy" about 2d panels), Jens made some mods in the originals DC3 gauges (at least the altimeter) and it came out just fine and the others gauges suit great. The overall effect is very similar to the original photo in the pdf docs that come with it. The vintage Air France look it's beautiful too.

Oh well, I guess it will be the 4th aircraft I'll add to my daily Lisbon-Casablanca run  (the others are  the Connie 1049H, the Breda Zapata and the Electra X)  :) :)