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HJG 727 panel KUDOS! & question?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:55 pm
by Rob Wilkinson
First, major KUDOS are in order to Richard Probst and George Carty for their design of the 727-200Adv panel! This was the last airplane I flew prior to a career change in 1998 and their rendering of the cockpit is truly exceptional!! the point that it required a dredging of my memory banks and reading of their documentation to remind myself of the quirkiness of some of the operations :)
I am wondering if there is a way to ge the rising runway in the ADI to behave normally on takeoff. It stays exposed and flagged (Runway) throughout the flight until on approach.
Second question that may have nothing to do with this panel is that last night on my second trip with my newly-outfitted 727, I experienced an AC electrical failure while climbing out of about 16,000' (hard to tell as the Altimeter flag made it pretty difficult to see the digits) which caused the ADI to roll over and die along with a very pretty array of other assorted flags. With the assistance of the DEN APP controller I managed to get the A/C back on the ground using the HSI, ROC and ALT (would have been much easier in the daytime!:)) but I'm wondering if you have any idea what caused this? Maybe an incomplete start sequence? as I'm pretty lazy and usually just use CTL-E while I'm setting up NAV radios, etc. but last night this only started #1 so as I was getting late, just flipped all three start switches, which worked...
Maybe just a sim glitch but it seemed so specific that it made me consider the possibility that I'd missed something.
I have read all the documentation that came with the panel installation.
Once again I'd like to express my sincere appreciation for this brilliant cockpit!!

Rob Wilkinson

Re: HJG 727 panel KUDOS! & question?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:10 pm
by garryrussell
I can't speak for this particular panel, but other panels where systems are properly modelled for pilot engine start up, CTRL E will only start#1 due to the coding used to make it work correctly.

Re: HJG 727 panel KUDOS! & question?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:21 pm
by DaveSims
On some aircraft, I have found Crtl-E does not turn on the alternator/generators after engine start.  I would look there first.