Freeware Boeing 737/3/4/5 packages for P3d/FSX

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Freeware Boeing 737/3/4/5 packages for P3d/FSX

Postby clarenceover » Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:59 am

As a recent convert from X-Plane tp P3D, I am enjoying the huge number of superb freeware aircraft available for P3D. A heartfelt thank you to all of those that makes these aircraft available!
I don't want to appear ungrateful but I'm having issues with the Boeing 737 models "converted by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations of the Eric Cantu original."

A trip from KSAN to KMDW in an excellent looking Southwest B733 revealed poor performance. Approaching FL290 with throttles at 97% N1, couldnt get any more. VSI below 1000 feet/min and climb and IAS coming back towards 200Kts. Speeds anf climb rates had been poor all the way to FL330. Didn't dare go any higher! I was well below MTOW on departure from KSAN and found that not only was performance poor, 30746lbs of fuel on take-off got me as far as some 4000ft runway in Kansas with only 5000lbs remaining! This fuel load was from the on-line flight planner and fuel calculator No, I'd not left spoilers, gear or flaps out!
I've recently downloaded the newly available Southwest B737-700 (I think it is) and the performance and fuel burn are hugely better!

I'd love to test out the B737-400 and -500 from the same 'stables' but as soon as they load to P3d, I get an 'aircraft overstressed' parked on the ground or flying, and below MTOW!

Hopefully someone can help!
Ground hog
Ground hog
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Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:59 am

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