Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

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Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby stephan » Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:59 am

Last night while modifying the lights on an ac (that I guess they dont want any modifications made to their ac) I started thinking about how much I enjoy simming,and how much I like modifying my panels and ac. Since I dont fly on line,my repaints and modifications never meet the eye of others so I figure,no harm,no foul..and I modify away to my liking. The folks that create the planes we download,especially those unselfish,generous souls that give us the freebies that they work so hard and for so many hours on are the best! They must seriously love their sim world and enjoy sharing their fantastic skills of ac designing to offer them to us freely.
In the past,I got into a heated debate over the POSKY ac,stating that I dislike 2 features about their ac design. (( I'm pretty well known for being quite the grouch over the stupidest of things ))...
1) I hate their strobe and nav lights. Some show up the size of basket balls,and some show up hardly at all. I would rather use the Shockwave lights product to add my own lights effects.
2) Those damned flex wings. I love simming as much as the next guy,but when I sim,I dont spend my flying time in spot view googoo eyeing the wings to watch them flex. The wing flexing is the reason I (we ) cant add our own nav and strobe lights. You set them up when the plane is on the ground,and once flying they end up suspended in mid air,several feet under the wing tips.
So,tho POSKY has some very detailed ac textures,I avoid their downloads best I can until they offer versions without wing flexing.If they never do that,I will continue to look for the ac by other modelers .
Even at that,I have to say to them ALL,POSKY designers included,..
THANKS SO MUCH FOLKS for your generosity,your hours of work,and the willingness to deal with the headaches while designing and debugging those freebies you offer us...
AND,I dont want to forget to say THANKS to you folks that create the free gauges ,the land meshes and terminals,..and the whole range of freebies that come to us.
And lastly,but with no less appreciation,thanks so much to the admin and Simviation for being here,and in my opinion,being the absolute BEST sim site in the world,with some of the greatest,most helpful sim enthusiasts in the forums around !!!
My hat is off to you all ! Because of your selflessness,and generosities , I get to enjoy the sim world like I never thought a game could be enjoyed. I even hesitate calling it a game,but instead,a great experience !

Re: Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby Tug002 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:08 pm

:clap: :clap: Well said, I don't think that anyone could have said it any better :clap: :clap:

Keep smiling
Tug :)
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Re: Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby stephan » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:02 pm

Thanks Tug...and it is true,as anyone who enjoys this hobby knows. I spend HOURS EVERY DAY simming. Even when I cant sleep at night,I sim away. There are many nights when I set up a flight plan,let the ac fly on autopilot,and since I am an insomniac,and know I will be up very soon,many times thru the night,I check my progress. And without the new offers presented to us almost every day,it sure could get boring quick.But with the efforts of those I spoke of previously,they keep it interesting and simming keeps me happy. Not much worse than the inability to sleep,and having nothing to do but watch reruns every night simming helps keep me sane :lol:

Re: Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby Flacke » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:16 pm

stephan wrote:Thanks Tug...and it is true,as anyone who enjoys this hobby knows. I spend HOURS EVERY DAY simming. Even when I cant sleep at night,I sim away. There are many nights when I set up a flight plan,let the ac fly on autopilot,and since I am an insomniac,and know I will be up very soon,many times thru the night,I check my progress. And without the new offers presented to us almost every day,it sure could get boring quick.But with the efforts of those I spoke of previously,they keep it interesting and simming keeps me happy. Not much worse than the inability to sleep,and having nothing to do but watch reruns every night simming helps keep me sane :lol:

I am just about exactly the same. Flight sims of various sorts have been a tremendous addition to my life. I would gladly fly real aircraft every day if I had the unlimited funds required. But since I don't, I fly Sims and modify them and change them etc etc etc and enjoy it all immensely. I do a lot of world wide touring and I have seen most of the world that way. One of my favorite projects was to fly around the world following Amelia Earharts route. I flew a leg or two each day until I finally landed at LAX at the end of the journey. I used Amelias Lockheed 10 except for the leg where I had to find Howland Island, the one that Amelia missed, and died. Glad you are getting so much enjoyment from simming. Keep at it, and enjoy.
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Re: Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby Tug002 » Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:35 pm

I don't have the talent it takes to do mods but I do enjoy flying every day that I can. It is about the only thing I have that keeps me stable :lol:

Have a great weekend <<q
Keep smiling
Tug :)
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Re: Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby Flacke » Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:21 pm

Tug002 wrote:I don't have the talent it takes to do mods but I do enjoy flying every day that I can. It is about the only thing I have that keeps me stable :lol:

Have a great weekend <<q
Keep smiling
Tug :)

Hello Tug, I think you do have the talent, you just may not have the knowledge yet. I started by doing basic mods like changing engine sounds to improve poor sound on some airplanes. I also changed instrument panels to get rid of bad panels and replace them with better and improved panels. As you practice and experiment you gain the skills needed and you can change texture files etc. I have found that if I think of a change to airplane that I would like, I just work on it and try it and keep going until it either works out or I just say "fuggetabout" already. It is fun when it all works out and you make really good useful mods that make your airplane fly better, look better, and sound better. You have a nice weekend too Amigo.
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Re: Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby BigTruck » Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:11 pm

Outstanding post Stephan! Those freeware designers deserve a world of thanks for their generosity and hard work, and your post says it all.

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Re: Giving thanks to where thanks it due..

Postby stephan » Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:53 pm

I really appreciate the positive comments to my original post.
But the real stars of the show are the designers. They have taken a daggone fine sim,and opened the doors to it and offer to us simmers freely,so MANY great things,.. ac,..aiAC, panels,gauges , add-on supplement gauges ,the whole ball of wax. Cant say enough in favor of them. Imagine how boring it would get after a year or two using only the default FS9 aircraft.
Then,there are editing tools.
I think I have almost all of them. And I LOVE making my own panels. I have more bells and whistles on a couple that would scare some simmers,hahaha.
And little by little,I learn things thru trial and error,along with the great advice and suggestions on the forum.
So,in regards to the fellow simmer here who feels maybe a little intimidated with the editing of the panels,aircraft and such,...
none entered here with the answers. We all in the sim world started at the basic,just learning how to start a Cessna.And,as time ges on,you realize the gauges make sense,and HEY!...your panel doesnt have a battery switch. So,in searching the sim pages, (Simviation has been the source of at least 90% of my downloads and tools,) I find a small program that says it will help me edit panels with ease. And darned if it doesnt! Makes panel building a snap! While using the panel editor,you find a window that shows you all of the gauges in your sim that you can chose from. I myself have several thousand gauges, so searching for the right gauge for the panel needs,style , color and design, becomes a bit of a treat,...because, downloaded a few more ac and they had their own gauges which you added to the gau folder,.. so it is a neat surprise to find specialty gauges...such as a fuel dump that works,and that is just the start. THEN,in my case,I like the 747 throttle set up,but it is tan,...and I see that I can edit that throttle background in Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. And I do,turning it to a metal gray..and save it (with the original copies to a separate HOLD folder pre-saved JUST IN CASE).
In other words,...if you take a chance experimenting, (( and start out on a low file size Cessna or something small... )) and try panel editing,and looking thru the air and cfg files,you start to become familiar with the basics and what data line does what to the ac performance and such. It can be frustrating at times,but when you finally get the ac set up EXACTLY like you want it,repaint and panel and the rest,you get to jump in your customized ac,and blaze thru the friendly (or not) skies of the world! And you know every switch on your panel because YOU designed it. It take a little time to learn some of the areas of ac modifying,but really,very little of it is all that difficult.
And if you get into a snag,these good folks in the forum wont hesitate to help or offer suggestions if they can.
Take a chance on a little ac,get a panel editor...look around,or ask for a suggestion,...install it,work on a junk panel and just have fun with it. You'll see how easy it really is.

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