Help Please!! Flap lever animation in VC (FSDS2)

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Help Please!! Flap lever animation in VC (FSDS2)

Postby Andrew Webb » Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:58 am


Please can someone help me, I'm trying to reproduce a flap lever animation that is 'neutral' most of the time... but when flap is travelling down, lever is down and when angle is reached returns to Neutral. vice versa for travelling up. when flap is fully up so is the lever, and when fully down, so is the lever. Similar to early cessna flap operation.

Hope you understood that (basically reproducing effect of not have predefined flap stages - though FS2002 doesn't support that)

Andrew Webb

Re: Help Please!! Flap lever animation in VC (FSDS

Postby FSTipster » Sun Feb 23, 2003 12:04 pm

Not sure I fully understand here.

Are you trying to edit the animation of the gauge itself?
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Re: Help Please!! Flap lever animation in VC (FSDS

Postby ICE/GfORCE Team » Sun Feb 23, 2003 2:02 pm

Not sure I fully understand here.

Are you trying to edit the animation of the gauge itself?

What he is trying to do is animate a part of the vc model as flap lever and that it works as a touch and release lever, you push it down and flaps go one point down, you push it down again and flaps go one point down again and if you let it pushed down flaps go all the way down

Any clearer???

Sorry can't help you
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Re: Help Please!! Flap lever animation in VC (FSDS

Postby Andrew Webb » Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:00 pm

In the Virtual Cockpit model... yes, and yes that's sort of what I'm trying to do!

but would really like the lever to stay in the down (or up... depending on direction) position whilst the flaps are 'travelling' and on reaching that desired point/angle to return to the neutral lever position.
Except when flaps are at full deflection (whether full up or down) when the lever should remain at it's respective position.

hmmm... not easy to explain and I just can't see how to do it!! Could get it to work for one direction only, but that's not really very reaslistic!! :-)

Andrew Webb

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