Easy Addon

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Easy Addon

Postby Highlander » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:43 pm

Hello fellow desktop pilots

    As I am sure you are aware, this is my first time to a flight sim forum.  I'll get to the point.  I have been flying for years with my father on the computer.  We have been aircraft buffs for as long as I have been born.  I fly Falcon 4.0,  IL-2,  CFS2&3, MSF2002, Fly!!!!,  The works.  As of late though there are all these great aircraft addons that I have been struggling to download and place in my FS2002 sim.  My father taught me what I believe to be the hard way where you get the file and then break it down into its folders and place them accordingly.  Is there a freeware program out there that will selfinstall these aircraft for you?  Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Keep her in the wind my friends!!!

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Re: Easy Addon

Postby ozzy72 » Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:44 am

There are some utilities available in the downloads section (connect from the front page).
However its easiest to do it manually like this.
First unzip the file into a temporary folder. Then copy the aircraft in question into the FS2002\aircraft directory. If there any gauges add them to the FS2002\gauges directory.
So the directory should look something like this FS2002\aircraft\phantom\ and should contain directories like panel, sound, texture, model and two files aircraft.cfg and phantom.air
Hope this helps. Any problems drop me a message Highlander.

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Re: Easy Addon

Postby nurseman » Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:02 am

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Re: Easy Addon

Postby Brett_Henderson » Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:18 am

This is only my opinion, so no yelling at me  :D

If a newbie takes the time to learn the file structure "nuances" of FS2002 instead of spending that time searching, downloading, installing and learning add-on managing software, ,,  he/she will find that adding anything is pretty easy.

Just unzip any add-on (plane,scnery or whatever) to a temp folder and look it over. Trust me, after a while,  it will all start to make sense.
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